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Updated: March 4, 2014
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Don't Come to Nevada
Nevada a state riddled with high unemployment, high foreclosures, low graduation rates, now is seeking to attract businesses to relocate here. With rumors flying that Governor Sandoval wants to either be Jeb Bush's VP or a DC position. The educational system here has taken a TURN, RIGHT INTO SHARK INFESTED WATER! Asses in control didn't just drink from the 'Common Core" Kool Aid, they CHUGGED it!! Why are so many parents against this NIGHTMARE of a program, because they see it is NOT in the best interest of their children. It is NOT going to IMPROVE their child's education, more like STIFLING it! As if this NEW METHOD is going to INCREASE kids going into S.T.E.M. careers. It is NOTHING short of a PLANNED program to generate mindless drones, rather than creating educated students, commonly referred to a 'anti-intellectualism'! Many books and articles have been written on this, but, people DON'T READ anymore, they are 'brainwashed' to spend time on 'social media'. For those who aren't DUMBED DOWN and want to see why Nevada students are never going to succeed in school, its because Nevada has a BRAIN DEAD DRONE for a GOVERNOR who feels this is what's BEST for your child: Who would know BETTER about this DUMBING DOWN of America, than Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt who served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education. She is known for writing the book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, (if you're NOT too dumbed down to read it). The book reveals that changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child's parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future. She says that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes. The most obvious example of how Americans have been dumbed down is through this nation’s failed public education system. At one time not that long ago America reigned supreme as a leading model for the rest of the world providing the best quality free public K-12 education system on the planet. But over the last many decades while much of the rest of the world has been passing us by, it seems an insidious federal agenda has been implemented to condition and brainwash a population of mindless, robotic citizenry that simply does what it’s told, and of course the brainwashing commences early in America’s schools. Over numerous decades a grand experiment engaging in social engineering with America’s youth has been steadily working to homogenize a lowest common denominator product of sub par mediocrity, creating generations of young Americans who can neither read nor write, nor think for themselves in any critical manner. Like the separation of church and state, the Constitution explicitly calls for specific delineation between the federal government to stay out of the business of education, traditionally leaving it within the sovereignty of the states and local communities to govern. However, just as the US Constitution has been under assault, Washington is now unlawfully dictating mandates to the 1600 US school districts that they must comply with in order to avoid the cutoff of federal dollars. Thus, local school districts throughout this nation are presently under a subversive assault from the long arm of our authoritarian totalitarian government.
The embedded Common Core doctrine handed down
from Dewey’s Progressive Education is designed to program and
prepare children’s impressionable minds toward accepting the notion
of collectivism. The group mind is deemed far more important than
the individual mind to the extent that a child’s value is only as
good as the value the child can bring to the group. As an individual
one carries little intrinsic value as a human life without the
greater context as the worker bee sacrificing for the maintenance of
the group.
The federal government busily ramrods its agenda
pushing standardized tests and test performance as the packaged
panacea in the form of Common Core standards and privatized charter
schools under the guise of tax paid public education. Of course
school privatization in many districts around this Christian nation
also means Creationism is now being taught instead of evolution. Of
course this systemic dumbing down of our educational system also
permeates a parallel process in the dumbing down of textbooks sold
to the schools. The omission of truth and inclusion of false
disinformation and propaganda in school textbooks are just another
form of indoctrinated mind control. This lopsided war between
fascist run propaganda schools brainwashing a Brave New World youth
and the local school boards, teachers and parents battling for their
lives to maintain what little choice they still have left with their
children is yet another pathetic cautionary tale of what the
oligarch agenda is doing to destroy America today. With an educational system that purposely misinforms and indoctrinates young people to respond as Skinnerian rats to a positive reinforcement schedule of operant conditioning, children as future adults are being shaped and programmed to become little robots easily controlled by their oligarch masters. The same damage and dumbing down effects are only added on when considering the detrimental and often lethal effects that chemically processed foods, chemical and hormone injected meat products, genetically altered organisms (GMO’s) and pesticide-ridden foods that virtually the entire American population consumes on a daily basis. The masses are poisoning themselves to death with built up toxins in their bodies. Yet because they have little choice about what they eat due most often to an inability to afford purchasing higher priced organic food, of course exacerbated by Monsanto willfully, maliciously obstructing their access to information when profit is deemed far more valuable than human life. Thus far, despite Vermont’s passage of law as the first state requiring GMO labeling in 2016, Monsanto has had its way bribing the Food and Drug Administration and court system to maintain its impunity in its monumental damage to the health and well being of humans, a dying bee population and a multitude of life forms on the planet. There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility. Mark Bauerlein, in his book, The Dumbest Generation (link is external), reveals how a whole generation of youth is being dumbed down by their aversion to reading anything of substance and their addiction to digital "crap" via social media. Journalist Charles Pierce, author of Idiot America (link is external), adds another perspective: “The rise of idiot America today represents--for profit mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage in the pursuit of power--the breakdown of a consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people whom we should trust the least are the people who best know what they are talking about. In the new media age, everybody is an expert.” Bill Keller, writing in the New York Times (link is external) argues that the anti-intellectual elitism is not an elitism of wisdom, education, experience or knowledge. The new elite are the angry social media posters, those who can shout loudest and more often, a clique of bullies and malcontents baying together like dogs cornering a fox. Too often it’s a combined elite of the anti-intellectuals and the conspiracy followers – not those who can voice the most cogent, most coherent response. Together they forment a rabid culture of anti-rationalism where every fact is suspect; every shadow holds a secret conspiracy. Rational thought is the enemy. Critical thinking is the devil’s tool.
Why would any company seek to relocate to a state that 'currently' has no state income tax (which could change in the next legislative session), with the SECOND highest in energy costs on the west coast? A governor who is STILL trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. His prior employment is extremely impressive, yet, he keeps thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Rumors were floating around during the 2012 Presidential Election that he wanted a cabinet position in DC. Nevada has added a new dimension to discrimination regarding disabilities. They apparently think that the ADA is associated with a Chinese menu select from either column A or column B. The Governor's own committee on disabilities even has a discrimination aspect to it. They apparently have decided which disabilities they will either represent or acknowledge. They pick their 'people' without a fair representation of the disabled community in the state. His favoritism/long term associations with the states energy monopoly NVE/Sierra Pacific is well know. The first hint of a spine occurred when he vetoed a bill that would place 'undue burden on residents' that NVE/SP was promoting/lobbying up to the last minute. "Brian
Sandoval was elected Governor of Nevada on November 2, 2010.
Brian Sandoval was appointed United States District Judge for the
District of Nevada by President George W. Bush in October 2005,
becoming the state's first Hispanic federal judge. Governor Sandoval
received his Brian is so committed to restoring integrity and common sense to the Governorship that he is the first federal judge in Nevada to give up a lifetime appointment to the bench. Prior to serving as a federal judge, Sandoval was Nevada's Attorney General." Sandoval got a LIFETIME APPOINTMENT as a US District Judge and he LEFT it to run for Governor. His goal was to get Nevada working again. He was sworn in 2010 and the unemployment rate in three years is nothing to sip champagne about. 2010 Unemployment was NEVER BELOW 14% Started at 14.6% and from April to December it increased and remained at 14.9% 2011 Unemployment vacillated from 14.2% down to 12.1% 2012 Unemployment vacillated from 12.7% down to 11.5% in October Nevada is still in the #2 spot for foreclosures, even with drops in prior years. Even their Nevada's HARDEST HIT FUND "The Nevada Hardest Hit Fund® (HHF) has had a significant increase in Nevada Homeowner's requesting assistance in keeping their homes. The HHF does not want to overextend its commitment of funds without having all funds requested allocated. Therefore, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 14, 2012, THE NEVADA HARDEST HIT FUND WILL SUSPEND THE ORIGINATION OF ANY NEW APPLICATIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE."
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