PUC Watchdogs is an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and others who are endorsing their lethal and deadly scourge upon all living things in the US, Canada and worldwide. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office or working for those who are seeking this deployment. Established in 2012. Site Contents
Updated: March 4, 2014
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Public Comments (Any and all comments made are fully protected under the First Amendment.)
May 9, 2014. Angel De Fazio- PUC Watchdogs Activist When a new person comes into a new job they try to 'prove' that they are 'qualified' for their position. Especially when they tout 'experience' in certain areas. Just because you have a degree does not mean that you are so highly proficient that you know everything. To wit: Carolyn Tanner, the new General Counsel of the NV PUC. If stupidity, egotism and arrogance were compensatory qualifications, then she is underpaid. Otherwise, she is trying to nail Jello to a wall with a tennis racquet. When a 'cloistered' attorney tried to take on the public, in an area of law that they really have no experience in, they should expect to be challenged to the nth degree. When you try to deny accommodations under the ADA the wrath of the public's right will be forthcoming. If you are that stupid to try and infer 'deceptive marketing' by feigning that a alternative medicine is a personal care item and even more idiotic cc'ing an Assistant Commission Secretary, to make it appear 'oh, look what I found', maybe you need to extract your cranium from your external anal sphincter and see past your myopic 'research'. Being easily discredit and made out to be a fool, does not to most people, make you look qualified/competent as a general counsel. Nor does jumping up in a government entity meeting acting like a wild woman. You knew you were being videotaped and this is how you want to appear as a 'professional' in the legal field? Maybe having a valium saltlick by your door would help with your anger management issues? Just a suggestion, as apparently, you can't handle hearing things that you don't like or that under mind/bring attention to your erroneous decisions/lack of legal knowledge? You tried to deny reasonable accommodations, your obvious smoke and mirrors response to the NV Attorney General's offices was as transparent as glass, to even Stevie Wonder. Going off the issue is not going to win your argument...FACT and the LAW will. Your emails stating you WOULDN'T accommodate, then you spoke to the AG's Office and you 'rethought'..get real...you LEARNED that you were WRONG and started to rescind your prior denial. When the law was cited, you mendaciously chose to ignore it, thinking you KNEW IT ALL and a non-attorney could not be RIGHT! When called out on your 're-thinking' being analogous to finding 'religion', your obvious cover up response was 'not religion, it's the law'. Well, you were TOLD that it was the law but refused to accept it. Get rid of the ego counselor, you are not all knowing! Your new attempt to suppress the rights of a corporation and how they do business is going to come back and cause an application of teeth upon your tri-glutes in the fashion of a pitbull upon a piece of raw meat. Your out of control ego and need to walk/act like the cock of the farm, is going to serve to prove nothing more than you are out of your league in representing the NVPUC. Stupidity, ignorance, and refusal to acknowledge that maybe others know more than you makes for a piss poor public representative of the legal profession. I am sure that your upper executives at the PUC, are going to be enthralled with the press and unflattering information going out, over your actions. I am sure that the Governor's opponents are going to enjoy using the information on how he rums his 'quasi-judicial state entity' regarding the disabled, open meeting law violations, renting of mold infested building with public funding...for starters. Such a wonderful representative you are counselor, regarding public employees... You knew that if the public took on NVE, what made you even remotely consider that you were 'immune' to the same level of activism? Again, ego, denial of reality... WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF ACTIVISM COUNSELOR...ARE YOU ENJOYING YOUR BAPTISM BY FIRE...ARE YOU LEARNING THAT YOU ARE NOT ALL-KNOWING, YET? Side note- apparently you aren't ready for 'prime time'...