PUC Watchdogs is an advocacy group whose core purposes are to provide education and FULL DISCLOSURE on PUC Commissioners and other PUC employees. The public has a right to see and know about who is making determinations that have a direct impact upon them. The First Amendment will be utilized, enacted and upheld! Opinions are just that opinions! Humor is ALWAYS required when dealing with those who are under the misguided impression that they are "Above" everyone else. If they don't like disclosure and transparency, then they can get out of public office you work for US. WE are YOUR employer, do your job or we will take you to task. We have RIGHTS and will NOT have them SUBVERTED by any stretch of the imagination. Established in 2012.
Site Contents
Updated: June 19, 2014
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We highly recommend Opinions expressed on this website are fully protected by the First Amendment. Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign! FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of issues of significance. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.
"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic field. I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and the increase in chemical elements in the environment." - Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., twice nominated for Nobel Prize. Welcome to Planet Irth . . . A Grim Fairy Tale, by Magda Havas, Ph.D. Mainstream media finally recognizes the smart meter dangers that “conspiracy theorists” have warned of for years.NV PUC the "New Not Ready For Primetime Players"? SB46
Any parent/s who expose their kids to people/relatives who endorse the trapping, hunting and killing of animals, WINDUP raising kids that grow up to be PIECES OF SHIT that have no respect for human life either! YOU KNOW WHO THIS IS DIRECTED TO!!!!!!!!!!
Parent/s like you make this an autonomic response!
December 28, 2016: The final order for Switch’s exiting NVE was issued. In keeping with Joey Baby’s OCD need to keep complementing people on DOING their job…we the ratepayers are rating/assessing his work. We will issue a ‘star’. If need be, we the ratepayers will go to the .99 Cent Store and provide Joey with stars, that he can put on his employees work product! December 27, 2016: There is this unique concept both in the real and public sectors, its called WORK! Work is where you show up normally M-F for 40 hours, do a job you were hired for and in turn, you receive a salary! No where in the REAL WORLD, every time you do something that you were hired for, does your boss give you an ‘attaboy/attagirl’ response. But with PUKE that’s the ‘norm’. Why its laudable to want to create a congenial, appreciative work environment, the ad nauseum complements for doing your work, will eventually reach a point, when all it is, is the exhalation of C02. At this rate, attendees will require hip boots to wade thru all this ass kissing bullshit! PUKE employees are NOT high school kids that have to keep being reassured. Work is NOT like a baseball game, where everyone gets a ‘trophy’ for participating (attaboy/attagirl) compliments for job performance!
The antics of PUKE were made public today and I’m sure it’s going to get back to BriBri and how his shill has been ‘outted’. As Joey Baby is using his position to promote the ‘god-like’ mission of our soon to be OUT Governor- Lil BriBri. PUKE is NOT BriBri’s personal PR Firm to endear him to the renewable sector, in hopes they will consider him for a position when he is gone in 2019! December 23, 2016: When you get a portion of an open records request, this OPEN & TRANSPARENT commission doesn’t respond, when they tell you to CONTACT them if you have any questions! December 22, 2016: What a JOKE today’s utility agenda meeting was!!!!!! One thing is for sure, that Puppet Paulie is NOT the only one of BriBri’s puppets- meet Joey and Ann! Who the fuck does Joey think he is, claiming that utility witnesses are more creditable than the BCP’s? I think for Christmas we should give Joey a pair of overalls and put patches of the utilities on them, to show who he is a puppet/shill for! This open and transparent bullshit dribble of his, is really a farce! Just listen to him and you can hear the venom he has towards the BCP and how he is the mouthpiece for the utilities! Is this the NEW NV that he was PROGRAMMED to enact by BriBri? This ENTIRE commission epitomizes the ‘go along - get along personas’. No one apparently wants to make waves. What is there, a hand up their asses, to regurgitate/respond to Joey’s ‘comments/recommendations’? With the ad nauseum adulation of BriBri from Joey Baby, one has to wonder, does he have an ‘altar’ set up in his home, with BriBri’s photo, that he lights candles and pays homage to him every night? For those who haven’t had the ‘pleasure’ of hearing/watching the new Commission in action, they remind me of the opening scenes in the Godfather. Where you have Don Corleone (BriBri) granting favors during his daughter’s wedding. We have the graveling Luca Brasi (Joey) outside rehearsing thanks for inviting him to the wedding (PUC). Even though he most likely thinks he’s Tom Hagen, the consigliere, who can ‘fix’ anything. Since Joey seems to ‘relish’ in telling people he was a High School English Teacher and spews forth literary quotes…ok, so can others! Nathaniel Hawthorne-The Scarlet Letter "No man, for any considerable period, can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.” How the ratepayers view PUKE’s ‘truthful’ statements of ‘in the public interest’: George Orwell 1984 "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." You might want TO try enacting this: E.M. Forster- A Room With A View- "We cast a shadow on something wherever we stand, and it is no good moving from place to place to save things; because the shadow always follows. Choose a place where you won't do harm - yes, choose a place where you won't do very much harm, and stand in it for all you are worth, facing the sunshine." Claiming to be a former prosecutor that he has to weigh the evidence…ok, so remember, there is a distinction between weighing the evidence and slanting the evidence to arrive at a predetermined outcome. December 16, 2016: Well, apparently PUKE is doing its usual MUSICAL CHAIRS regarding job opportunities. We figured that Andrew Hall was the ANOINTED one for the Ass’t GC position, since they placed a job ad for his position, BUT, after receiving an updated employee list, we have the new positions! Matt Fox FORMER admin atty. for Pomgrancz is now the Ass’t GC, Hall is now her admin atty. The BIGGEST farce is the disclaimer from PUKE’s Trisha Osbourne regarding the contact information for the employees: “Balancing the interest for nondisclosure (office safety) against the general policy in favor of an open and accessible government, the Commission is redacting the emergency contact information.” Ok, just WHAT is SO IMPORTANT that they need EMERGENCY CONTACTING? Sure as hell, their top heavy with attorneys don’t qualify, Summer Camp Barbie-what she is needed to cut an ‘emergency check’? Commissioners-they can’t do anything without holding a public meeting. Inspectors- that’s questionable. Director of Reg Ops-what she is needed to address an ‘economic problem, accounting, resource/marketing’ problem? Surely not a web/IT problem, as they aren’t kept up to date during regular working hours. What-the GC has to be contacted-courts are closed, can’t do any type of order. PR- HA! Another useless expense that ratepayers have to pay for. December 15, 2016: There was the hearing scheduled for the Switch Docket but it was moved to late afternoon because of in-climate weather regarding incoming flights. According to the notice sent out on December 14th, Leo was suppose to preside over the hearing. Then all of a sudden Joey Baby took over. Questions this brings up: Did Joey feel Leo wasn’t up to it? Does Joey want to be front and center with potential questionable dockets to show BriBri how he is qualified for his appointment? None of these will ever be answered, as Joey’s idea of OPEN & TRANSPARENT involves major REAL TIME REDACTIONS! Seems that during the short about 1.5 hour hearing, Joey was heard to bloviate about equality, how when he was in law school he was involved with, I think ‘tutoring’ or something like that regarding the Constitution…’finger in the air twirling’. Joey upon information and believe was heard to spew: Why wasn’t there any public input regarding the docket. JEEZ JOEY! Your damn spiel at the start of every agenda meeting-‘only filed pleadings from NAMED PARTIES are considered with dockets’! OK! So NOW you want PUBLIC INPUT, BUT you CLAIM you can’t use it...MAKE UP OUR MINDS!
December 14, 2016: At today’s utility meeting these comments were made on the record: “Speaking of PUC ‘openness and transparency,’ there are several New Year’s resolutions if its commitment to this concept is genuine. First, all data requests and questions and answers from named parties in dockets need to be available on the PUC’s web site, except for competitive information, such as purchased fuel contracts. Confidential information exclusions for regulated monopolies can be reasonably invoked only in isolated instances. Second, PUC court-reporter transcripts need to be fully posted on the PUC’s web site. There should be no requirement to pay a second time for this information, be it by a ratepayer or a utility company and its agents. Third, hiding material administrative actions from the public by failing to disclose their scope, nature, rationale and financial impact suggests covert activity; there is nothing confidential about a facilities move unless the CIA is involved. And finally, while it is not legally required, the Commission would be well advised to engage the public with responses to issues, questions, concerns and complaints raised during public meetings when contested cases are not the subject of those comments if ‘openness and transparency’ are bona fide Commission values.” Well Joey?!?!?!?! December 8, 2016: OY! As of today they have an opening for 'Attorney/Legal Case Manager', guess that probably means Andrew Hall is now the Ass't GC. Yep, he was so PROFICIENT regarding providing an Open Records Request. December 1, 2016: Ok, as of yesterday, all resumes were suppose to be submitted for the Ass’t GC position. Now, lets look at this ‘open call’ for resumes. Posted on November 21st, closing at 5pm on November 30th. So we have TECHNICALLY, FIVE days, as we have the 4 day Thanksgiving weekend, for said submissions. ONE YEAR OF FUCKING LEGAL EXPERIENCE is required for this position! Is Summer Camp Barbie, who is the HR
Director, ‘cough, cough, gag, gag’, will she be reviewing the
submissions initially? Will the Commissioners do an initial review? Umm, that’s a gray area. Will, Garrett, the new GC handle it completely? Based on his submitted resume he hasn’t done any hiring, so, what is he going to do? Ask how long they ‘practiced’? Will he try to incorporate the questions he was asked for his current position? Now, back to the FIVE DAY period for submissions. Is this INTENTIONALLY to RESTRICT the number of submissions, as there are current PUKE employees who want the pay increase? Um, guess we will see. Crystal, the former ED, WHINED during the 2015 Budget Hearing, how they can’t get qualified people and have to SETTLE for non/less qualified people. As luck would have it, this whining is memorialized in that meeting. So lets theorize about this could turn out. Will any of the prior candidates for the GC position apply for this? Time will tell, especially if they are STILL out of work. Now, as the ratepayers think, the FIX IS IN, in so much, that one of the Admin Attorneys will try for the spot. Matt Fox would love to have more power, as he walks around carrying his blue binder, with NAC/NRS, that has been noted for years. But he might be perceived to be a ‘potential’ threat to Garrett’s position, this would be an interesting choice. Hellie would be complacent enough, to allow Garrett be head honcho, and would love to be given a raise. Dan Haggarity LOLLLLLL Please, he’s been with PUKE since March and his legal background is not conducive to this area. Andrew Hall? Oh, PUH-LEZZZZZZZZ! His ability to perform the SIMPLE task to provide an Open Records Request is being called into question, by the requester. Which if NOT completed, will be resulting in a AG complaint. He should consider an AA position, if one of the current ones, tries to be the Ass’t GC. So given the fact that NONE of the aforementioned PUKE employees have done ANYTHING except play ‘attorney’, drafting orders, etc., ‘oy vey’, HOW MUCH time is going to be NEEDED to teach them about FERC? PUKE is the most ON THE JOB TRAINING state agency imaginable, that purports to claim how detailed/specialized they are! How it takes YEARS to have employees trained and ready to participate in hearings etc. Look at their fucking requirements…that says it all! Well, taking in an Ass’t GC with ONE YEAR of legal experience…yep…we are talking YEARS of training required! Why should the fucking ratepayers, pay for an unqualified candidate, who gets on the job training… Just like fucking Summer Camp Barbie! A fucking paralegal from PUKE should be hired and then have a SENIOR Ass’t GC review it. Now, if PUKE goes with their ‘usual’, incestuous relationships, regarding hiring, that runs endemic with them, then there will be ANOTHER position opening up. Lucky for them, they don’t have to pay a headhunter with all these vacancies!November 30, 2016: UnFUCKINGbelievable! Its really pathetic when those who think certain letters/title after their name and prior jobs=a master of EVERYTHING! Come to find out today, at the Utility Agenda Meeting, Joey Baby announced that they don’t have to hold TWO separate meetings and they CAN hold both the Utility and Administrative Meetings on the same agenda! Lets see if Joey REALLY knows it all! Does he KNOW that admin meeting comments CAN BE TAKEN into consideration? That his predecessor MADE this announcement after reading the Utility spiel at an Admin meeting. ITS ON THE FUCKING AUDIO FILE! We aren’t PAID to do YOUR work…have one of your OVER PAID employees go thru all the audio files and HEAR IT FOR YOURSELF! So your current spiel used with an admin item is pure FUCKING BULLSHIT! If you fucking think that your VISION of a NEW PUKE is one of constraining public comments, you are in for a surprise, in case it HASN’T dawned on you, we are making your activities public! Cutting us out from commenting at TWO different meetings, you get the comments made here, WITHOUT ANY FILTERING! I would HIGHLY suggest you read up on Newton’s Third Law of Motion…as we are going to ‘adjust’ it, to a log1 increase reaction! As he said, its a NEW PUKE! Well, he has now GENERATED the NEW responses, opinions... If BriBri THOUGHT Joey can come in and CHANGE things for the better...he better figure out what he is doing fucking wrong, to increase the animosity of the public towards his NEW PUKE!
You might as well set your browser to this site, as you are going to probably be the recurring topic for public opinion discussion!!!!!!!! REMEMBER THE PUBLIC TRUSTS THIS WEBSITE FOR THE UNVARNISHED TRUTH ABOUT THE PUC, THAT IS HIDDEN FROM THEM!!! November 28, 2016: OY! First, we had the State of the Union, then the State of the State, then the State of the City and NOW, TADA… the STATE OF PUKE. What next…genuflecting or kissing of the ring/ass?!?!?!?!
So, we now have an opening for Ass General Counsel, oops, I mean Ass’t GC. With all the backpatting, whining of how important ‘cough, cough, gag, gag’ this department is, specialization required, blah, blah…what do they do? Their USUAL fuck up job, any clown, with ONE FUCKING YEAR, can come on board…oh, yeah, what a fucking FANTASTIC utilization of our Mill Tax! Another putz coming on board, for on the job training at an inflated salary! Is shit for brains Barbie going to do the interview? From Job Ad: Graduation from an accredited law school, active membership in the Nevada State Bar, and one year of experience as an attorney. Salary: Salary reflecting retirement (PERS) contributions by both the employee and the employer is up to $110,132 ($96,607 for employer only contribution). Yepper! To quote Joey…’A New PUC’…wow, who would have thought it meant more fucking trainees/non-specialized employees… November 16, 2016: Friends, Romans and PUC Stalkers…Tonight we got to watch the process to anoint, err, hire the new GC. Apparently, the 3rd candidate decided to drop out, leaving just the former State Treasurer and current ACTING GC. Who APPOINTED him ACTING is still suspect, as our little non-qualified Summer Camp Barbie doesn’t believe in transparency.
Prior to the agenda being started, Summer Camp Barbie was ‘WORKING’ the room, all she was lacking, was a tray to serve appetizers.
The two interviews lasted almost an hour each. I was SHOCKED that the questions were actually pointed and relevant, nice job Commissioners. Too bad these type of questions weren’t done when Know Nothing Barbie was interviewed.
It was obvious, that the remaining candidates were nervous, being both on the spot and in a public venue, which was to be expected. Kate Marshal STILL should be HIRED to replace, shit for brains Barbie. Garrett apparently, does NOT do well under pressure, as his usual over-confident self, was not visible during his interview. By the clenched left fist that he held close to his chest. Guess he uses the keyboard as his ‘confidence’. As soon as Joe mentioned Garrett, after the interviews, we knew he was going to get the position…oy fucking vey ish meir! In one of his responses he stated he did 100’s of open record requests, with 1,000’s of pages. Err, Garrett baby, doing them and DOING THEM RIGHT are NOT interchangeable!
While he might have had conned the Commissioners with his DEDICATION to the position…those who are on the RECEIVING end of his requests, see his LACK of ATTENTION to DETAIL! Even when SHOWING him his MISTAKE and LACK of COMPLETION, does he CORRECT IT? Oh, fuck NO! Is this newly crowned putz going to try and pull the FIVE day bullshit, that is NOT APPROPRIATE. Even notifying him of a SECOND request…we are fucking back to SOP, guess Garrett Baby didn’t get Joey’s message about the NEW PUKE! Now, we have to watch and see who wants to slither up into the open Ass’t GC position, that has been vacated by the ‘elevation’ of Garrett. I do NOT spew profanities... November 15, 2016: Oy Vey Ish Meir! In 1933 - We had the ‘New Deal’ In 2016 - We have the ‘New PUKE’ Question: What is the DEFINITION of NEW, in relation to PUKE? So far, it’s the same old, tired bullshit. You do open records request and get most likely, their templated response letter, here’s today’s. Because their over-paid attorneys are so DETAIL ORIENTED, they seem to keep providing INCOMPLETE document production. How can you incorporate into your response, the REQUESTED information, leave half of it out and then CLAIM “Please find the attached documents, which constitute all of the Commission’s public records responsive to your request.” Do they have NOTHING better to do, than revisit, what a competent and minimally detail oriented person would get right, the first time? SHIT! Barbie is rubbing off on people! That incompetent aura of her’s is emanating as an unwelcomed, energy emission to those around her! One has to wonder is Joey’s use of the word ‘New’, is it ‘New’ as in fresh, novel, or is it ‘Nu’ in Yiddish? Which the ratepayers should be referring to as the NU PUKE! Look it up…Either way, it’s the ultimate chutzpah feigning ‘New/Nu’. Is PUKE trying to be the ‘public’ version of Christian Churches with their obvious, encroaching actions towards becoming cloistered? Umm, Canon Law…sound familiar with your last agenda item????!!!! PUC should be renamed Public Utilities Carmelita!! Keep on acting in your HIGHLY OVERT, failed attempt at being stealth, rather than in an OPEN & TRANSPARENT manner, we will call you out on it. CAPISE? You have a GC 'candidate' trying to 'dialogue', regarding the 'toxic' relationship and also this site, but since Joey has the problem, why is he AFRAID to address HIS issues? Since when is the head of anything, afraid of taking the bull by the balls and address it? Offered to 'dialogue' but, Joey has gone radio silent on the offer. Attorneys LOVE to argue, right? November 10, 2016: Joey, Ann and Paulie, since you have been BRIEFED regarding your CRITICS, from staff, their ONE-SIDED assessments necessitate some COLD WATER thrown on how your STAFF is so EDUCATED and the public is NOT regarding the OML! Which promulgated the inception of this site, that apparently, some of you have issues with.
Just have to TRY & contain the AMAZEMENT, that so many PUKE people, who CLAIM they have such an IN DEPTH knowledge of the OML. When one of the ‘UNEDUCATED’ ratepayers, had to inform them, that they DO NOT know the OML, has found their ERRORS/VIOLATIONS, going on FOR OVER FOUR YEARS! PUKE employees keep stating, in PUBLIC VENUES, that they want TO EDUCATE the ratepayers, on the OML…uh-huh! SO how do you JUSTIFY that you want to EDUCATE, but, when the public ASKS a question, you tell them to GET AN ATTORNEY! Make up our minds!
On August 13, 2014, PUKE was informed during an ADMIN meeting, that their submitted Affidavits of Posting were WRONG, NOTHING WAS MENTIONED regarding STARTING TO COMPLY with the LAW, from the employees in the LV Office. As their employees were making PHYSICS HISTORY, being in the SAME PLACE AT THE SAME TIME! From January 13, 2010 (Utility) and February 24, 2010 (Admin) posting were statutorily deficient until this meeting. During public comments, which can be heard/seen at the 3 minute mark, it was INTENTIONALLY OMITTED, what the other deficiency was. To determine just how DETAIL ORIENTED and if ANY DUE DILIGENCE would be applied to rectify the issue. As they were violating a portion of NRS 241.020(4). We are extrapolating that their numerous copies of the OML, OMITTED § 5.04, page 44 Each public body must make and keep a record of compliance with the statutory requirement for posting the notice and agenda before 9 a.m. of the third working day before a public meeting. The record is to be made by the person who posted a copy of the public notice and it must include: (1) date and time of posting, (2) address of location of posting, and (3) name, title, and signature of person who posted the public notice. Did ANY of these EDUCATED PUKE attorneys do any DUE DILIGENCE after being notified? OF COURSE NOT! They KNOW IT ALL! When the BOOMBOTS bring up anything, it is treated like dihydrogenmonoxide thru a scolapasta, regarding what was presented to them! So lets keep looking at the genesis of PUKE adherence to statute since being notified on August 13, 2014. It took your fucking geniuses UNTIL June 10, 2015, EIGHT MONTHS for some Alan Dershowitz wannabe, FINALLY to review the statute and then went into FULL compliance with the postings! UTILITY: May 27, 2015 June 10, 2016 ADMIN: April 29, 2015 June 10, 2015 While they like to project, that their knowledge of the OML, is situated upon their self-proclaimed pedestal, composed of 54Al2O3-46Ta2O5, guess they better make sure it can’t be ‘shattered’ by their critics! So before you keep acting as if your ‘advisors’ tongues are notarized…make sure there are no intentional omissions regarding their SUPERIORITY over your UNEDUCATED ratepayers!
If you want the result of 2Na + Cl2 ---> 2NaCl + 822kJ, to be DECREASING, stop providing the kJ that drives this!
OMG! I just realized that I posted FILINGS…guess, its going to be a 10 on the MONS Scale, to refute this posting lol November 9, 2016: Well, fans, stalkers and haters, interesting day. When someone produces a document that invites you to call him, aka Joey Reynolds, with any questions or concerns, a REASONABLE person would interpret that as ‘I will discuss/be open to talk’, WRONG! 8:56 am leave message for Joey 9:15 am secretary calls back, Joey wants more info about call 9:28 am Garret/boy toy calls, moi not thrilled, if I wanted to speak with him, I have his number and would have called him, so terminated the call 10:00 am agenda meeting starts During first public comment, try to get PUKE’S position on a procedural issue, Joey refuses to allow it, informed him it will be discussed on Watch Dogs. So went forward and read vetting about 2 candidates for GC position, on what was discovered, during what a REAL VETTING pre-interview procedure, produces. During GC position agenda item, Joey bloviates, basically inferring to be PUKE’S ‘SAVIOR’, that this is the, ‘cough cough, gag, gag’ “NEW PUKE”…Please get the hip boots out! So he elaborates on what he is looking for and suggests Kate Marshall, former State Treasurer and the current ‘WHO KNOWS WHEN APPOINTED ACTING GC’ Garrett. Ann suggests she wants to add Andy Moore to the potential candidates. Why Andy Moore? He HAS NOT had a job since JULY 2016, NO UPDATED BAR INFO=>no attention to detail, GAMING BACKGROUND, while he can’t be faulted for the generous amount of time he has donated to community involvement, KUDO’S Andy, but you STILL aren’t qualified. Of course, replacing the NOT QUALIFIED BARBIE, with Kate Marshall, was put on the record, now, she would be a WORTHY & RESPECTED ED! For the 2nd public comments, Joey got presented with: why the fuck are you not holding admin meetings, and read into the record PUKE’S OWN delineations between utility and admin, ASKED for a response…so WHAT DOES THE “NEW PUKE” DO???????? NADA, NIL, SOP, sitting like bumps on a log…so much for ‘believability’!!!!!! OK! Well, as the say, the CAMERA DOESN’T LIE! VIEW VIDEO HERE-TURN UP THE VOLUME!!! Then at 2:50pm, for 41 minutes, Garrett calls! Trying to RESOLVE issues, of course, with overt and veiled INFERENCES at times, MY PROBLEM with PUKE! Some of the more ‘interesting’ items discussed: When discussing Summer Camp Barbie, he asked if I would show RESPECT and not call her BARBIE but either Stephanie or Ms Mullen! HA! Better chance of me becoming the spokesperson for smart meters! Then he tried to CONVINCE me that SHE IS QUALIFIED! Oy Vey Ish Meir! Pulled the statute and I was GIVEN DEFINITIONS of KNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE! Yeah, I fucking graduated with over a 3.7 in a NATIONALLY ACCREDITED DEGREE PROGRAM with their PRE PROFESSIONAL MAJOR COURSES, not a bullshit University of Phoenix degree and I have someone talking to me like I'm a fucking illiterate? In his defense, he did apologize. He wanted more DIALOGUE, as PUKE’S people were having a ‘problem’, and its because of this site, which they CONSIDER “TOXIC”, which is why they don’t want to dialogue. They WANT RESPECT! He did agree that it was protected under the First Amendment, lucky for him, as I was about to go on the ‘WARPATH’. PUKE feels that repetitive use of expletives was problematic. He was informed, that there are constraints during a meeting and this was a true representation of comments. I inquired, did he have any background in crisis management or conflict resolution, no response. As most of the undertones were accusatory, which maybe because he doesn’t understand how REAL WORLD CORPORATE techniques are implemented with conflicts. The real world is not like government public service. APPLES/ORANGES! He asked me if I had any respect for anyone at PUKE, said no! Later on, when discussing the former chair that was ousted by Puppet Paulie, he surmised and asked, did you respect Alaina, I said yes and so did other ratepayers. Brought up Noble and Wagner, who right after the closing of meetings, they RACED out of the room, with NO interaction with the public. So, of COURSE, it was because the public didn’t RESPECT them…problem is, THEY WERE THE PROBLEM and elicited the NO RESPECT they are complaining of! Given the overall ‘attitude’ of a majority of PUKE’S employees, they must have been raised with the molly, cuddly, performance trophy, like upbringing. Adverse comments traumatize them. He said he reviewed our prior email interactions and wanted to know why the ‘tone' changed? I said simple, LEARNED more about PUKE. Wanting to address our concerns with Joey, who has the power to effect change, was told that he can discuss the issues with Joey. WOW! PUKE'S own Tom Hagen LOL I KNOW he won’t like our ‘dialogue’ being made public, BUT, the STATED purpose is FULL DISCLOSURE of PUKE! In discussing this dialogue with those who have experience with PUKE, have determined: Joey is not happy with this site, was Garrett ‘served’ with the ‘mission’ to get things resolved? Is this ‘dialogue’ part of Joey’s ‘interview’ process, to see if he can handle the situation and his people skills? ONLY TIME WILL TELL! Let me be VERY succinct in language that I understand, to explain the ratepayers vs PUKE relationships, even giving you a few examples to help you out (with a bit of liberty taken): Said dismissive attitudes causes this from ratepayers to PUKE… H2(g) + Cl2(g) ---> 2 HCl(g) + 185 kJ 2Na + Cl2 ---> 2NaCl + 822kJ (I even balanced this equation to make it easier for you to find the common denominator) So WHAT do these 4 equations have in common (which even a high school student can answer) that your attitude towards ratepayers, causes this to happen to you: N2(g) + O2(g) + 181kJ ---> 2 NO(g) PCl5 + 92.9kJ ---> PCl3 + Cl2 (Nah, you can balance it, to figure out the common denominator LOL) 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 2519kJ ---> C6H12O6 + 6 O2 (I even balanced this equation to make it easier for you to find the common denominator) LOL If we take equal amounts of Ba(OH)2 and NH4SCN, put them into separate beakers, then put another beaker on a wet board, mix these two solids into the beaker on the wet board…what happens? And why does this relate to PUKE? This is what PUKE really needs to do: NH4Cl + H2O So when you figure out these very elementary equations, their common denominators will explain everything, capise? Come on…it’s so easy…remember you people KNOW everything, RIGHT????????? WE WANT BARBIE FIRED, STAT! WE AREN’T BACKING DOWN ON THIS ISSUE! AS PRESIDENT TRUMP SAYS: IT’S TIME TO DRAIN THIS SWAMP!!!!!!!!!! November 4, 2016: Ah, guess the PUKE has FINALLY decided to address the OML regarding the GC position. But before my summary of that, I see that we apparently have a VERY THIN SKINNED Chair of PUKE. Who the fuck does Joey Baby think he is KIDDING with his ‘New PUCN Ethical Standards of Conduct’ that was posted today in their supporting documents for November 9th Utility Agenda Meeting that can be read here. The following should be incorporated in Jerry Seinfeld’s monologue: “MAINTAINING THE CONFIDENCE OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC’. Oh, Puh-leazzzzzzzzzz, Joey have you been drinking the tainted water from Flint or out of BPA water bottles? Yeah, we see that you FOLLOW the FUCKING LAW- FUCKING EXPLAIN THE IGNORANCE OF THE VIOLATIONS OF SUMMER CAMP BARBIE NOT BEING STATUTORILY QUALIFIED FOR THE POSITION! YOU WERE NOTIFIED AND DID SHIT BOTH AS THE GC FOR BRIBRI AND NOW AS CHAIR! HERE IS THE LETTER SENT TO YOU AND YOUR PASSING THE BUCK FOR THE PUC TO HANDLE IT! YEAH, HAVING THE FOX GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE! You MIGHT want to REVIEW the DEFINITION of ‘Knowingly’….care to explain how you KNOW/KNEW about this statute violation and KEEP PROMULGATING this ILLEGAL HIRING? REREAD CANON 1! Since you are TRYING to CLAIM you are UNDER these rules THEN: RULE 1.1 COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW. A JUDGE SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LAW, INCLUDING THE CODE OF JUDICIAL CONDUCT. RULE 1.2 PROMOTING CONFIDENCE IN THE JUDICIARY. A JUDGE SHALL ACT AT ALL TIMES IN A MANNER THAT PROMOTES PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE INDEPENDENCE, INTEGRITY AND IMPARTIALITY OF THE JUDICIARY AND SHALL AVOID IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY! COMMENT: [2] A JUDGE SHOULD EXPECT TO BE THE SUBJECT OF PUBLIC SCRUTINY THAT MIGHT BE VIEWED AS BURDENSOME IF APPLIED TO OTHER CITIZENS AND MUST ACCEPT THE RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE CODE. [5] ACTUAL IMPROPRIETIES INCLUDE VIOLATIONS OF THE LAW…WHETHER THE CONDUCT WOULD CREATE IN REASONABLE MINDS A PERCEPTION THAT THE JUDGE VIOLATED THIS CODE OR ENGAGED IN OTHER CONDUCT THAT REFLECTS ADVERSELY UPON THE JUDGE’S HONEST…” [6] A JUDGE SHOULD INITIATE AND PARTICIPATE IN COMMUNITY OUTREACH ACTIVITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROMOTING PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF AND CONFIDENCE IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE…” So, since in your obvious attempt at ‘DAMAGE CONTROL’, via the new ‘ETHICAL RULES…” letter, are you going to NOW ACTUALLY ANSWER questions during the public comment sections? Or are you going to keep the current status quo of FUCKING IGNORING AND SITTING WITH YOUR THUMBS UP YOUR ASSES WHEN THE PUBLIC ASKS QUESTIONS? Ok, we the public are going to CALL YOUR BLUFF regarding the comment of “Please direct any questions or concerns to PUCN Chairman Joe Reynolds”. HOLD AN OPEN MEETING WITH NO TIME CONSTRAINTS REGARDING PUBLIC COMMENTS AND YOU, THE CHAIR, ANSWER AND INTERACT WITH THE PUBLIC! THIS IS TO BE DONE IN THE EVENING, SO THAT THOSE WHO ACTUALLY WORK CAN BE A PARTICIPANT. HAVE IT VIDEO CONFERENCED BETWEEN THE CC AND LV OFFICES! NONE OF THE SOP BULLSHIT OF YOUR GC’S OFFICE CLAIMING THAT THE PUC DOESN’T HAVE TO ANSWER ANY/ALL QUESTIONS!!! SINCE THE LARGEST COUNTY IS CLARK, YOU WILL APPEAR HERE TO ADDRESS THIS MEETING. CHALLENGE/OFFER MADE…NOW, ITS UP TO YOU TO EITHER SHIT OR GET OFF THE POT REGARDING YOUR COMMENT. Don’t piss on the public’s leg and claim it raining! Don’t try to bullshit the public! Also, if you FOLLOW the LAW, why haven’t you CHANGED your information with the NV Bar? You are STILL listed as being with the Governor’s Office, see it here! Its been OVER a month and you haven’t updated your info…and your reason is???? Um, lack of concern for rules, eh? Consider this part of ‘COMMENT #2 as cited above, scrutiny/due diligence, either way, its being monitored. Ok, now lets get to the ‘OVERT ATTEMPT TO COVER YOUR ASSES REGARDING OML AND GC POSITION’. 1. JOEY BABY YOU GOT CAUGHT WITH YOUR PANTS DOWN, YOU RELEASED INFORMATION AKA RESUMES WITHOUT THE SIGNED RELEASE FROM THESE CANDIDATES! Open meeting law release that all prior candidates for a position to be discussed in a public venue signs off on ACKNOWLEDGING THEIR APPROVAL OF PUBLIC DISCLOSURE? WELL WHERE ARE THEY FOR THE NAMED CANDIDATES THAT HAVE FILED FOR THIS POSITION? Why wasn’t it done as it has been ESTABLISHED as part of open requests for resumes? OH, I KNOW! Its because DUMB ASS BARBIE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK TO DO! As these CRACK LEGAL EAGLES don't go and see how things were previously done! 2. That fucking dumb ass, aka ED Barbie, THIS IS A FUCKING ADMIN AGENDA MEETING ISSUE NOT A FUCKING UTILITY ITEM. Can this incompetent ass get any more stupid than she is now? From your OWN WEBSITE: Utility Agenda meetings are held in accordance with Nevada’s Open Meeting Law. Meeting items are typically dockets pertaining to regulated utilities. Administrative Agenda meetings are held in accordance with Nevada's Open Meeting Law. Meeting items that are administrative in nature and that pertain to internal PUCN operations do not have to be brought before the Commission. Any items that do require a Commission vote will be brought in Administrative Agendas scheduled by the Executive Director on an as-needed basis. Even the fucking moron Barbie should be able to distinguish between the 2 of these meetings! But you have her GUARDIAN HELLIE Williamson protecting her friend’s ass! 3. Since this information has been made public and the public is ALLOWED to comment on this agenda item, here are a few OPINIONS, that MAY or MAY NOT be made on November 9th. WOW! Garret who is commonly referred to, out in the public, as the ‘Boy Toy’ of the former GC. Lets see if he will be ‘confirmed’ because of nepotism. Garret, if you become the GC, then the constraints I have had to abide by because you aren’t a ‘public’ figure will be released and I can ‘discuss’ my opinions, which I have letters from you trying to suppress my opinions. There was NO ONE MORE LOATHED, aside from Noble and Tanner, than Garret. He thinks he KNOWS EVERYTHING, he makes it VERY CLEAR that the PUBLIC ARE IDIOTS and likes to blame them, NOT THE PUBLIC for the problems with the PUC. Oh yeah, he WILL DEFINITELY IMPROVE the public’s attitude/perception towards the PUC LOL!!!!!!!!!! Guess if he gets the position, then we have ANOTHER opening at the PUC, oy fucking vey! KATE MARSHALL? Oh, come on! She is trying to get back into the state system to have to, most likely, avoid trying to get billable hours. ANGIE ELQUIST- Why selling real estate INSTEAD of going into a law office, opening their own law office…one has to wonder-inability to generate enough billable hours, so ‘hoping’ sales commission to sustain her? PETER KEEGAN- Oh, this is gutsy! A law school graduate in May of 2009, now thinks he is qualified to over see the GC’s Office. Have to love the chuptah of some people. MARK LIAPIS- Well, definitely a bit of a ‘whiner’, and trying to assuage his history, BUT at least he has been practicing longer than a lot of the other submissions. He showed CHARACTER, HONESTY and TRANSPARENCY about his experience regarding problems with prior firms. Actually LOVED his sample, my FAVORITE Daubert Ruling…pretty good, along with Frye. ANDY MOORE- Way too much gaming-better suited for the Gaming Commission. CHRISTINE SULLIVAN-Oy, she sounds like the former GC’s experience and we KNOW how that worked out! BELINDA SUWE- Feh- Nothing outstanding and ANOTHER from the AG’s Office. TIME TO GET THE POPCORN OUT, THIS IS GOING TO BE ONE HELL OF A CLUSTER FUCK FOR THIS POSITION!!!!!! October 31, 2016: Based on PUCK’S ANTICS regarding the NON-EXISTENT Selection Committee for the General Counsel position. On one hand we have PUKE’S own Kim Jong-un, in regards to the ‘selection committee’ for the new General Counsel. When a open records request was made, we have their USUAL BULLSHIT response read it here.
As USUAL they are VIOLATING the Open Meeting Law, do these pompous asses think their actions are going to be kept QUIET from the public? October 26, 2016: There was the second utility agenda meeting with the newly appointed Commissioners. This one had Leo replaced with Ann.Time wise it was more in step with the ‘usual’ ones, not the LONG, DRAWN out one from October 12th. Apparently, Ann had nothing to say, aside from yes during the vote. Joey actually showed empathy for the elderly ratepayer and set his consumer complaint for further action. Now, either Joey didn’t listen or forgot, but the ratepayer CLEARLY stated that he paid the overage to avoid termination of service. But when it was time for the docket to be discussed, Joey said for him to work out a payment plan with the ratepayer! Seems he BROKE SOP by not automatically agreeing with PUKE’S consumer ‘resolution’ division…is this the coming of a NOT auto rubberstamping of their findings? TIME WILL TELL! October 18, 2016: Ok, fair warning, this is an unfiltered discourse of opinions predicated on the feeble, fucking, bullshit, that the PUC is using to CLOSE off the protocol/procedure to hire their new General Counsel. Ok, I think Joey, the new Chair, needs to get up to speed, as the bullshit that has preceded him BETTER CEASE, or he will be an ad nauseum topic of opinions. On October 12th, during his first utility meeting, your actions/concerns have been memorialized in the PERMITTED VIDEO of the meeting. It seems that when you were TAKING notes during the discussions on the agenda topics, you took notes on what appears to be a pad of paper. NOW! When I spoke, you LIFTED up a COVER of some type that allowed you to ENTER notes, was this a personal note pad? Nonetheless, that’s slightly irrelevant FOR THE TIME being!
What is relevant, WHEN YOU WERE CAUGHT taking notes!
Any other notes were not visible. So Joey, if you are the CRACK ATTORNEY that BriBri said you are, how the fuck are you allowing the mother fucking pompous asses in your various legal departments to pull this fucking bullshit? What the mother fucking hell about the following DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?????? Section 9.04 McKay v. Bd. of Supervisors, 102 Nev. 644, 730 P.2d 438 (1986), has important implications for employment interviews and performance evaluations. (See § 4.05 infra). While the delineated attributes of individual employment candidates may be discussed in closed session, the public body may not use the closed session to narrow down candidates or begin the selection process. See Brown v. East Baton Rouge Parish School Bd., 405 So. 2d 1148 (La. Ct. App. 1981). From a AG’s Opinion on hiring a PUC GC: If the commission appoints a committee to interview and select finalists for the position of GC for presentation to the commission for a final decision, that committee will be a public body as defined in NRS 241.015(4)(a)(5), subject to the OML. YOU FUCKING CAN’T HIDE AND SUPPRESS THE FUCKING PROCESS! Fuck Barbie, as she knows jack shit and her actions over this are apparent and the collusion of the PUC is NOT FUCKING ACCEPTABLE at any level! You have that mother fucking unqualified ass aka Barbie, who the PUC is trying to shield her fucking incompetence that will NOT CEASE! If your ‘attorneys’ want to act like pricks, that when they get near cold water, they shrivel up under the guise of attorney privilege, be PREPARED for MORE FUCKING PUBLIC DISCLOSURE of your activities.AS BEFORE ASSHOLE BARBIE CAME ON, EVERYTHING WAS OPEN! TRY AND EXPLAIN AWAY FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF TRANSPARENCY, BEFORE THIS FUCKING INCOMPENT BITCH CAME ON BOARD! October 13, 2016: well, Well, WELL! It’s been over 24 hours and NO CHANGE for the public DISCLOSURE Authorization mentioned on the PUKE web sites ‘ad’, for the GC. OK, so lets throw some ‘theories’ out there, since it is now a matter of public record that Joe was made aware of the problem.
So who is going to ‘vie’ for the big shit position? Since the qualifications have been DUMBED DOWN, will it be one of the 2 Ass’t GC’s, Staff Counsel, or Mr. I’m a Phi Beta Kappa member, (NOT)!? Ok, the QUALIFIED field internally is just so ‘loaded’, with ‘Grade A Prime’ candidates! Why does this position have to be up in Cartoon City? When PRIOR to August of 2013, the GC was located in Vegas! Is it because they want a CRONY of someone at PUKE? Like they did with SUMMER CAMP BARBIE! Who only got in because she is a gym rat of someone in the GC’s Office? Now, apparently, the PUKE THINKS that email addresses ARE EMERGENCY contact resources! So when presented with an open records request for the SAME INFORMATION that has been available for YEARS. Now, OMG, its so SECRETIVE-BULLSHIT! So they provided PHONE NUMBERS as a source of contact. YEAH RIGHT! Like these EGOMANIACS are going to RETURN OR EVEN answer their calls! Most likely this way they can try to BULLSHIT that they were NEVER CONTACTED! They need to get off of their SELF-PROCLAIMED HIGH HORSES and realize they are PUBLIC EMPLOYEES! Most likely BECAUSE THEY CAN’T CUT IT IN THE REAL WORLD, so, they feed at the public troth and think they are GOD/GODDESSES on terra firma! From September 28th, this is what they USED TO provide, now this. I redacted only 2 phone numbers, for the CURRENT TIME, that upon upcoming activities, might be made public. And Garret Weir WONDERS why the public has ISSUES with PUKE? Its for reasons as cited above! PUKE is the DIRECT & PROXIMATE CAUSE of why Watch Dogs was created and thrives. October 12, 2016: To my PUC stalkers, here is what you have been waiting for, my update. What a comedy of errors at the Utility Agenda Meeting, the 3 Blind Mice photo, I previously posted was definitely spot on! Puppet Paulie who sat in as the Chair for a year, should have prepped or even ‘suggested’ how to bundle dockets as a matter of efficiency. But alas, he didn’t and our own PUC, ‘F. Lee Bailey’, wannabe in the GC’s Office decided to intervene. Guess he wanted to try to make points or was he just as frustrated as others in attendance who knew about the ‘bundling’? Reynolds did a so-so job as his first ‘try’ at conducting the agenda meeting. He did do something that Burtenshaw also did, but NOT any of the other commissioners ever did, which was actually express concern over a ratepayer’s issue with a utility. Ad nauseum the commission ALWAYS sided with the utility, from their ‘robotic, templated’ recommendations from their staff. This time, they actually concurred that there was a problem and are SUPPOSE to look into and make the modifications, TIME WILL TELL! Reynolds didn’t cut off people during public comments, whether this is how he plans on conducting the meetings or just a one-time thing, to feign ‘interest/concern’ over their statements, AGAIN, TIME WILL TELL! Leo is a PUTZ! It was so evident, that even Ray Charles could see that he was COMPLETELY out of his element and full lack of PUC oversight…’major eye roll’!! Every time he opened his mouth, it became more obvious.
Seems that our lil Bri Bri on October 6th, announced the appointment of Ann Pongracz to replace Alaina, starting on 10/24. PHEW, at least we won’t have to endure another agenda meeting with Leo, as the next agenda meeting will be on the 26. Lets hope she is better than him! Ann should be interesting to watch. At least Bri Bri isn’t a proponent of age discrimination, as she is in her 60’s. Her prior association with the CRC, during that self-serving BDR aka SB46 fiasco, that the public was furious over and worked to make sure it didn’t passed, is a concern. So apparently, she has the mind set, that they should not have ‘oversight’ regarding how to run, hire, salaries in their commissions. Lets see if she tries to revive this again, during her tenure at the PUC. Kudo’s to Bri Bri, as he FINALLY appointed a commissioner from Vegas, which was put on the record, at the 9/26 Consumer Session, that we haven’t had one since 2011! Now, here is the cluster fuck that apparently is going on and has been discovered and put on the record. Seems Summer Camp Barbie just keeps confirming that she knows JACK SHIT and keeps showing why her unqualified ass needs to get the FUCK OUT OF THE ED POSITION! Helly isn’t doing a good enough job in protecting and TRYING to cover her ass! Seems that Barbie doesn’t understand the FUCKING MEANING OF PUBLIC POSITION and she, most likely, drafted the ad for the new GC, confirming it. As it basically is the same as the bogus one she erroneously made public in July then pulled.
This ‘SiO2 infused shit for brains’ ED, NEGLECTED to include that KNOWLEDGE of BDR’s is part of the GC’s job!!! I guess since the PUC didn’t submit one this session, that it shouldn’t be a prerequisite for the new GC? ‘palm slap’
I mean her OSCAR winning PERFORMANCE, as a FLAWED impersonation of Bert Parks, at the Sunset Committee, where she ACTUALLY was able to say her name and the introduction of the other 2 PUC employees, WHO WOUND UP DOING HER JOB. Get the hell out of the job, you are just proving you are an IDIOT!!!!!!!!
If this brain dead putz, understood the NORMAL protocol of reviewing a PRIOR ONE, why leave out essential qualifications and experience? Is it because she has no fucking clue of the necessity of such, or that they want another INCOMPETENT like her coming into the position? It was brought to the commission’s attention today, with exhibits confirming such. Does Joe KNOW ANYTHING about how the OML operates? Since when is the SIGNED AUTHORIZATION that any applicant for the GC position, has to provide, allowing their information to be incorporated into the public record, not be part of the submission packet? Or is he planning on TRYING to HIDE the resume from being made public? TIME WILL TELL, as he is under the TITAN THEMIS by Watch Dogs. Lets see how ETHICAL the new Chair is going to be, as he DID NOT respond when asked about the search committee, nor was he the ONLY ONE reviewing the submissions. Or as STATED on the record, did he have someone in mind and all of this is just a FARCE/DELPHI Action to make it APPEAR that it’s a TRUE open call for this spot? As he has ALREADY SHOWN, PRIOR to coming on board, he DOES NOT HAVE ANY RESPECT FOR THE NRS, THAT HE ALLOWS A CRIME TO BE PROMULGATED AND NOT ACT UPON IT. His idea of RESOLUTION is to allow those who were ACCOMPLICES to the CRIME to REVIEW IT! God, please don’t let him be ‘Killary with a Dick’ when it comes to the law, and how it doesn’t apply to them, expects BriBri to protect him (like Obama and Killery) or turns a blind eye! So Joe…are you going to be a ‘credit’ to BriBri by ACTUALLY reaffirming what BriBri said about you in: “Joe has a great love for Nevada and passion for doing what is right for our state…” Rather than being like a former commissioner who is causing the PUC to be sued for a ratepayer's right!
You have been informed via email while in BriBri’s Office about Barbie, heard about it today and now in this post, along with how the hiring of a GC has been done in the past, according to statute and exhibits submitted to the PUC at today’s agenda meeting, as you were caught on video today jotting a few notes, when these were brought to your attention. DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE LIKE THE RATEPAYERS HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or are you going to be BriBri’s Loretta Lynch when it comes to overt offenses to statute? If BriBri thinks he is going to be a ‘future’ supreme, your actions regarding enforcing the law when the state is being taken for a ‘ride’, you KNOW is going to come out, that this, aka you, is what type of legal rep he endorses…just saying…
Trust me...more to come... October 4, 2016: WOW! Switch has filed an Amended Complaint NOW naming Burtenshaw, Noble and Thomsen into the complaint, read it here. What a strange turn of events! October 2, 2016: Well, well, our little assistant GC Helly seems to have a ‘tie’ to our Summer Camp Barbie. Upon information and belief, Helly is the one who pushed for Barbie as the ED. Seems they were ‘friends’ that apparently, led Barbie to apply. Guess Helly DIDN’T READ what the statute required, right, Chica? Yep, a REAL STICKLER for detail and due diligence apparently! Now, we have a movement from the LV to CC office of Tammy Cordova, the Staff Attorney. Umm, why would she uproot her kids unless there is the ‘possibility’ or should I say ‘fix is in’ for Tammy to be the new GC? Guess time will tell. Now, starting on 10/3, Joe will be taking over. One has to ‘wonder’ is he there to do some MUCH needed ‘due diligence’ housekeeping, on the out of control PUC? Umm, are there some unclassified staff on the proverbial chopping block? Why is IT according to BriBri, that he named Leo as an ACTING COMMISSIONER, but according to the Division’s Department listing, now has Leo listed as a COMMISSIONER…”Leo Drozdoff as acting-Commissioner effective Oct. 3.” So which one is it? As a Commissioner, they are given dockets to preside over. An acting Commission acts as a temp replacement, now, since Leo ‘retired’ and was set to start collecting his pension from the state, did BriBri do it as an ‘acting’ position so his pension was not impacted? So in order to vote on an order, is Leo just going to ‘pop in’ for the agenda meeting? Just how much time is he going to put in to fully understand the order? Or is he going to rely upon Matt who is NOT known for being ratepayer friendly? As an ‘acting’ commissioner only gets $80/diem. Is Leo a ‘temporary’ placeholder until BriBri can decide, err, brainwash someone to fill the spot until the term is up? Just saying… With all the open dockets, what is Joe going to do with them? Will he take over Noble’s, will he ‘assign’ Burtenshaw’s to Leo, divide them up between himself and Puppet, or will he transfer some to Lododo? Guess will have to see when they come up on the calendar who is sitting over the docket.
So why is Leo’s admin attorney, Matt Fox, still listed as being in Vegas? What, he is going to fly up to CC when there are meetings etc? I doubt Leo is going to schlep down here. Or will Matt move up to CC? This seems like an unnecessary expense upon those of us who pay for their survival via a mill tax. Or in the alternative…is Joe in there to clean up the PUC, the ‘perfect’ hatchet guy, then an entirely new crew comes in? Too many variables in this appointment and only time will tell what the REAL agenda is… Yeah, REAL FUCKING UNBIASED, OVERSIGHT, NOT A SINGLE COMMISSIONER FROM THE LARGEST AREA OF THE STATE, BEING REPRESENTED! SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE BRIBRI A DAMN COPY OF THE CENSUS, SO HE KNOWS HOW THE POPULATION IS DISBURSED!!!!!!!! September 30, 2016: Alaina, only the best wishes in your new position. 12:05 a.m.: In approximately 16 hours and 55 minutes, as far as we know, you are no longer a public figure:
THE DAY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED! ITS ADIOS DOPEY, LETS HOPE HE STAYS OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE/SERVICE! Unless he is used as a ‘bad’ example! Lol Dopey, I want your last day to be something to remember me by, so, since there are PUC so called ‘decorum’ protocols, as Watch Dogs doesn’t, so here it goes:
September 29, 2016: Washoe County consumer session was held. No internet broadcast was available but comments were made and can be read here. September 28, 2016: The last utility agenda meeting was held with the 2 leaving commissioners, Alaina Burtenshaw and Dopey Davey Noble. The public made comments about these 2 commissioners and their legacy on the PUC. Written comment was submitted and placed as an exhibit in the agenda meeting, which can be read here. Almost all of the comments about Dopey were on the record…good bye and GOOD RIDDANCE to Dopey! Alaina you will be missed. September 26, 2016: Annual consumer session held in Las Vegas. Comments made can be read here 1, 2, 3 and the video will be uploaded shortly. Entire session will be submitted to the LCB as required by statute… September 20, 2016: BriBri announces his NEW PICKS for PUCK Commission! Lets look at this 'press release': BriBri's endorsement of Joe Reynolds, is more for the position of General Counsel rather than Chair of PUKE. So is he going to be dipping into the GC's arena? Is he going to be putting his bar license in an inactive status like Noble and Burtenshaw did? Since BriBri couldn't stop extolling his legal background, why would the commissioners need a GC? Is someone who had the 'title' that he has had, going to have a GC inform him about the law? Interesting questions to be determined very shortly. Since Reynolds has been admitted to the NV Bar since 9/25/03, will he be getting an admin attorney? As the admin attorneys tend to usually be newly admitted attorneys. Why would someone with this much legal experience need an admin attorney? Quoting BriBri: '...passion for doing what is right for our state', apparently, BriBri thinks IGNORING FRAUD AND OBTAINING MONEY UNDER FALSE PRETENSES is 'what's right' we are screwed! The email trail confirms the ignoring of a statutory violation! Asking the fox to oversee/investigate the hen house is not a prudent move by any stretch of the imagination! NOW, with Drozdoff, its EVEN MORE INTERESTING! Seems BriBri NEGLECTED to mention that on July 21st, he THANKED him for his STATE SERVICE, as he enters into RETIREMENT! " Brian Sandoval announced on July 21, 2016, that Drozdoff would retire later that year, effective at the end of the day on September 6, 2016. "I will miss his leadership at the Department but wish him the very best as he enters into his retirement from state service," said Sandoval upon the announcement. So with Drozdoff retirement SUPPOSE to start on September 6th, then all of a SUDDEN, 2 weeks AFTER his SUPPOSED RETIREMENT date, he is now 'acting commissioner', interesting. Why didn't BriBri mentioned he pulled him out of retirement, or WAS IT REALLY A RETIREMENT notification, or just a rouse, in prep for him to fill in for Burtenshaw, inquiring ratepayers want to know. well, Well, WELLLLLLLLLLLL! Looks like Puppet Paulie didn’t kiss enough ass, as he got his ass kicked from chair to just a peon commissioner. Guess you aren’t as good as your ego is feeding you. Now, instead of just ONE being replaced, BriBri is replacing TWO! So lets look at the cluster fuck coming on board. The sole remaining commissioner is still drenched behind the ears with inexperience, now, we have TWO coming on board and from the ‘intro’, they have NO EXPERIENCE in this level of utility regulation, oh, yeah, this is going to be one hell of a training panel of commissioners! With the open GRC Docket, Puppet Paulie knows Jack Shit about this and now 2 trainees coming on board...time to get the popcorn out! So since two newbies are coming on board, will our highly qualified Director of Regulatory Operations, do a flow chart on how PUKE operates? Who would have suspected that a state commission would be the ultimate on the job training… What will be interesting, are the bat boy/girl admin attorneys for Dopey and Alaina, will Matt and Jessica going to be in their current position? To quote Gone With the Wind, “Where will I/they go, what will I do”? Since Alaina is going to the Transportation Authority and Matt will need to be attached to her hip, guess he will try to go there with her? If there was ever a FUCKING STACKED PUKE COMMISSION this is it! BriBri has his asskissers all on the dais. Since Burtenshaw’s term is up in 2017, is Drozdoff in a trial run, during this ‘acting’ commissioner term? Guess he is in training wheel mode. Will he live up to BriBri’s stealth plan, or will he be like Puppet Paulie, who gets a single shot at a position? Apparently, BriBri's head is still up his ass, as there is no representation for southern NV on the panel. These three characters, know Jack Shit about the needs, diversification of power needs down here, etc. How can the panel make ASSUMPTIONS where the lion’s share of the population is residing, as its not being truly represented! So since its obvious that Reynolds is replacing Dopey and Drozdoff is 'acting' most likely finishing out Burtenshaw's term, are they going to be inheriting the leaving commissioner's dockets? Were they doing their 'homework' and reading all the open dockets of their predecessors, in prep to step in? Ringing Brothers would be jealous of this up and coming circus! Since Barbie stated that it was too early to post the job opening for GC, now, that BriBri has his henchmen coming on board, lets see the nepotism that shows up regarding their FUTURE GC! BriBri by all these appointments have fucked the majority of the residents, because of his addiction to renewables. That he takes a damn the cost, view apparently. BriBri’s so obvious and well-known inflated image of self, is driving the train, VERY far from the BEST INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC! September 16, 2016: barbie, Barbie, BARBIE aka STEPHANIE MULLEN! You need to stop taking your ass to the gym and start learning to show you are a FISCALLY responsible person, that carries over into your state paid position. Your sorry ass hasn’t been qualified for this job and apparently, your ‘attention’ to detail isn’t a STRONG POINT of yours either! Not paying attention regarding paying your property taxes...tsk tsk, but SOMEHOW you were able to do some abbadaba with trust deeds to buy this property. You had NO problem between October 2015-Janaury 2016 of ‘miraculously’ coming up with over 100K to pay that one off. Ummm, ability to manipulate finances in real estate...VERY INTERESTING!! You had NO problem with buying that property in Lake Tahoe, that for some reason had no mortgage upon it, that could be found. That now, if I heard correctly it was used, upon information and belief, as a deed/collateral to use for this property in Genoa. SO you can MANIPULATE for real estate, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul, but alas, no property taxes. So is this how you do finances in a work environment? Are we talking ‘creative accounting’? Are you trying to ‘develop’ a method of accounting that the Mafia might want to use? Gee, if $917.76 quarterly is TOO MUCH to pay, on a salary of 115K, ummmm, is there a POTENTIAL manipulation of public funds down the line…inquiring minds want to know! Forgetting and being late on ONE is not a big deal…BUT EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THEM??????????? September 12, 2016:
September 8, 2016: Well Dopey, the sands thru the PUC leaving hourglass are flowing at an accelerated rate.
In order to help you maintain your 2 million dollar homes, we think we have found a new career path for you. Either as a backup singer/dancer for a Cyndi Lauper Tribute Band? You even have part of the costume in your possession.
You might want to consider setting up an appointment with Stuart Phillips, for his Platinum Package, to 'put the finishing touches' on your new look? Given all the rumors floating throughout the state for years, you can easily afford him. September 1, 2016: WOW! So much has been happening and spreading all over NV, both north and south! 1st: How come Jermaine Grubbs, staff attorney at the PUC left? Yep, no trace of her any longer on their directory list. So since there is no job ad, apparently, the ‘legal eagles’ at the PUC don’t need any more attorneys! GOOD! Time reduce your budget!
2nd: Our RINO Governor BiBri’s little shill, aka Puppet Paulie, must have pissed him off, when Puppet Baby wouldn’t let Wellinghoff’s new employer, Solar City have a say in the SP rate case! “PUC Chairman Paul Thomsen’s order found that SolarCity did not have a direct and substantial interest in the dockets.” August 31, 2016, LV Review Journal, article by Sean Whaley. Ut oh…come September 30th, will Puppet Baby be removed and degraded to just a PLAIN Commissioner, or will his ass be off the Commission? Will Puppet be able to con his way out of not pushing for renewable involvement/implementation, that our RINO’S ‘non-interfering’ agenda wants?
3rd: How are they handling the ‘rumored’ INFLUX of FOIA requests that people are talking about? This should be interesting to see if in fact, its true. As I am sure that what ever is produced will be disseminated to ‘interested’ parties LOL As soon as I get copies, if true, they will be published here, since they are IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST!! 4th: Seems that on Friday, August 26th, there was a water meter meeting up north. Amazing how many people came out of the woodwork to appear and comment. While numerous comments were made, some were whining about their Cottonwood trees. Others were trying to solicit their services, via a private email list, AT A REDUCED RATE!!!! When asked on 8/31 to EXPLAIN who they were, as of this date, nothing has been further provided to others on the email exchange, names and identifying information has been redacted, the desperate will know whom this is referring to. May I suggest Dale Carnegie’s Book, How to Win Friends and Influence People? Upon information and believe, there have been no further emails addressing this exchange. From: V Myer
vwmyer@gmail.com Thank you. Victoria Myer On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 12:12 PM,
V Myer <vwmyer@gmail.com>
wrote: On Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 6:46 AM,
Carolyn Tanner xxxxxxxx@sbcglobal.net
wrote: August 25, 2016: DOCKET 16-01018 Umm, I bet Puppet Paulie was trying to contain an erection, when he announced AFTER 11 months on the job, THIS WAS HIS FIRST WORKSHOP. No one needed to be informed, his ‘stellar’ performance was apparent, he was a novice… So we have his ‘shillness’ being ‘outted’, that he has an electric car, oh, how ‘green’, oh yeah, nothing like being UNBIASED in a docket, that involves battery charging for his car ‘gagging’. The industry DOESN’T want the PUC involved, so they can be rogue ‘providers’. Yeah, we saw how that worked with solar sales. Someone said they DID NOT want the number of electric car charging stations to be made public. Of course NOT! With 375 stations in the state, with 2,500 vehicles who could use them (not including visitors). OH, YEAH, that’s a NECESSARY expense passed on to residents. If Bri-bri removed his hand from up Puppet’s ass, this wouldn’t be an issue. But Puppet's obvious, undying devotion to his ‘Don” BriBri, this should be shouldered by those who use them. But, oh, NO, Paulie will do what ever BriBri wants and as usual, FUCK EVERY resident in NV for the few. When you extract your head from your ass, electric vehicles are OUT OF THE FUCKING PRICE range for Nevadans. Maybe you should shove that convertor cord up your ass, to charge some neural synapses! You greenies want electric vehicles, then fucking pay for them as part of YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATION! 2,500 registered vehicles and you want EVERYONE TO SUBSIDIZE THEM? Learn what the fucking word FAVORITISM means! August 24, 2016: Hey Dayton! I'll keep watching you and recording it, but not wasting bandwidth, UNLESS its noteworthy! So don't think I am ignoring your activity on here, capise?
August 23, 2016:
August 20, 2016: Since when, ACCORDING to creditable sources, does AnneMarie get to decide the dockets outcome/recommendations of her staff and then they have to find 'things' to support her decision?
So much for EQUALITY and unbiasness from Regulatory Operations Department.
August 19, 2016:
Let me look into my crystal ball: Summer Camp Barbie CLAIMED that the request for resumes for the GC position was released TOO EARLY! Um, lets see, did BriBri have a 'little chat' with someone on the Commission? I am going to GUESS that the position is going to be POSTED AFTER Dopey Davey leaves, as RUMOR has it, Dopey is NOT going to be the GC or anything else at the PUC, as he most likely desires. Rumor has it that Wellinghoff is going to be appointed by BriBri, who is being discussed, that he already has someone in mind for the GC position, but, he needs to make sure that he has a 'vote' in the GC appointment. Opining that Puppet Paulie will not be the Chair any longer. In the alternative, another rumor is that Jason Gedes will be the Commissioner and Wellinghoff will be GC. I think the first is more likely. Time will tell if these rumors are in fact valid. Remember you read it here first. August 18, 2016:
August 17, 2016:
August 16, 2016:
August 15, 2016:
August 12, 2016:
August 11, 2016: To my Dayton fan, you've reached a milestone, 200 visits...so, why not acknowledge/celebrate it with 'OH, CANADA', eh?
August 10, 2016:
August 9, 2016:
August 8, 2016: Hey 'Dayton', since you can't stop peeking in when I told you I will UPLOAD at MY schedule...I'll give you something to ponder...I deleted stuff to make you wonder, just what you are not seeing...so, enjoy your guessing game, eh?! I'll decide when the 'open spaces' will become visible! So enjoying keeping a jackass in suspense and watching them desperately trying to find any updates 'evil, wicked laughter'
August 7, 2016: Instead of playing ’Where’s Waldo’, lets play ‘Where’s Phi Beta Kappa at UNR’! So there is currently no record/recognition of PBK @UNR. There is also no record of UNR on the PBK official website, as being an affiliate chapter. YET, we have a Utilities Hearing Officer who CLAIMS he is/was a member of PHI BETA KAPPA while at UNR! Ummmmm, really only a few possibilities, why there is no record of PBK @ UNR: PBK pulled their chapter? NAH He went to another university that he didn’t list? NAH He bullshitted on his resume? BINGO!
So Mr. Lodudu, just HOW are you associated with PHI BETA KAPPA at UNR, that you put on your resume, that was submitted in May of 2012?
August 6, 2016:
August 5, 2016: Happy now Dayton? Something new to read LOL What no one from GENOA wants to peek on the website? Wow, what a fucking joke the PUC administrative division is: Barbie as usual doesn’t know her ass from her elbow, and then tries to cover up her fraudulently acquired ED ass! Did you REALLY think we don’t know what you are attempting to do? Seems like we have found her long lost fraternal twin...with the same type of mind set?
TIME LINE: June 16th no more General Counsel July 21st they place an ad for General Counsel July 26th they pull the ad claiming ‘the TIME IS NOT RIGHT’ July 27th Dopey Davey gets the news his ass is out as Commissioner July 28th Dopey Davey files with the NV Bar to become ‘ACTIVE’ August 1st Dopey Davey is now ‘officially’ an active member of the NV Bar again Davey knows shit outside of the PUC and he is drooling over the probable insertion as GC. As he wouldn’t know how to go out and start his own firm, generate billable hours, he can’t work for any firm dealing with PUC issues because of the ‘COOLING OFF’ period. There is no way he is actually going to ‘work’, like normal attorneys, nor accept that he is invested in the state’s retirement system since 1997, and give up more years for later on, right Dopey? How did I do? LOL Unanswered questions that people who are not familiar with your collective, so called ‘strategists’: Just WHEN is the RIGHT time? Did the geniuses in Admin jump the gun before Sandoval made his announcement that Dopey is out? Was the ‘right time’ once Dopey was informed of his status as Commissioner? More likely: Since the Commissioners have to vote on the replacement, they are waiting for his ass to be off the panel? BUTTTTTTTTT, what happens if Bri-Bri happens to put TWO new Commissioners on the panel…Dopey, you won’t have the assurance of a majority, LOL Wouldn’t that be a nice change of your ill fated plans?!?! TIME WILL TELL!
August 4, 2016: I still get to watch you anytime I desire, while you are struggling to watch me! Is it bothering you yet? Guess maybe someone should be watching a 'Canadian' website, eh?
August 3, 2016:
August 2, 2016: I decided to drive you crazy by posting when I decide to, to watch you in frustration wondering when/what will be posted, along with watching how many times your OBSESSION will make you keep checking!
FEAR NOT all your activity is being recorded and will be uploaded at my WHIM! Let the search for uploaded info begin 'evil, wicked, grin'!
August 1, 2016: Ah, did you get frustrated because you COULDN'T find any updates? How do you keep a jackass in suspense? Don't update a webpage for hours LOL Barbie: go searching for our expose` about you 'evil grin'!
July 29, 2016: CLOCK IS TICKING- Less than 2.5 hours to go, to prove that SUMMER CAMP BARBIE ROYALLY FUCKED UP! Yeah, you are QUALIFIED for the job...NOT! Press Release going out about you on Monday and there is NOT a fucking thing you can do to DISPROVE IT! GOTCHA! I guess COVERING YOUR ASS was NOT covered in law school! LOL I guess I have Angels watching over me, what a GIFT this response is! GOTCHA GUYS!
July 29, 2016: Things that make you go umm! From PUC Public Comments today: First, it is very irregular that the position posting for the now-vacant General Counsel position appeared on July 22nd, over a month after the resignation of the previous incumbent, but was removed from the PUCN website just five days later and has yet to reappear. This posting removal closely followed the publication of an article in ‘Utility Dive’ indicating Commissioner Noble would not be reappointed by the governor when his current term ends in September. The unanswered issue: Is Commissioner Noble going to be handed the General Counsel position and all other recruitment efforts cease? Is it standard state personnel practice to close job openings, so that public and interagency applicants cannot apply? Guess the peepers discovered the latest post and they are ALL COMING on like cockroaches at night! Come on Carson City, you are lagging for the update 'smirk'! Logging on via your Apple IPHONE in Vegas, is not escaping this! You aren't as slick as you think!
July 28, 2016: Clickie clicke! Wow don't even log off, do you REALLY think I don't know what you are doing?
July 27, 2016: WOW! What a day, my prediction of almost a year ago comes true, Dopey Davey is out as Commissioner, NVE files a grandfathering docket, most likely the PUC is going to give the open position for General Counsel to Dopey Davey. Tomorrow the PUC BETTER provide the records asked for regarding hiring a new General Counsel. Rec'd a phone call that is going to ROYALLY PISS OFF the PUC-can't wait to go public with it-never piss off an activist!! July 27, 2016: BREAKING NEWS! Dopey Davey Noble is OUT as Commissioner come September 30th! Confirmed by Governor's PR office!
Question is, is Dopey NOW going to be the GC? As the PUC just pulled the ad DOWN!
July 27, 2016: Did you REALLY think by keeping LOGGED in every CLICK you make was NOT going to be disclosed? Damn, you REALLY think, that you are just so SLICK and can skirt your activity?
July 26, 2016: So glad we are paying you to cruise the internet and monitor websites! Still popping in, eh? Shall I post random, irrelevant comments just to see how anal you are in watching this page? Peek a boo, I see you!
What 2 hours and 2 minutes later the LV PUC office is BACK on the site? Finding anything interesting? If I were YOU, I'd be MORE concerned with what is NOT published on this page! Remember the old adage, I let you know what I WANT you to know, not what I know! Remember there is a big difference between the two!
Maybe its time to charge an entertainment fee? Deduct from their salary for these visits? July 25, 2016: My! My! Tanner filed a joiner with her old job the PUC…interesting! PUC has Matt Fox and Hailey Williamson as their attorneys...oy vey ish meir! Tanner is desperate and trying to feign the ‘woe is me’ they are targeting my deceased child…which she KNOWS is a FALSE statement…perjury on an Declaration…bad girl! Omission of relevant facts is no different, RIGHT? Since when is deflection a defense? Better come up with a better defense than the fiction on your filed Declaration! NVE and their 2 employees ARE not part of this and as such should be dismissed. With ALL the PROOF of the STEALTH activity of the PUC, including their Regulatory Operations, General Counsel Divisions are the ONLY TRUE DEFENDANTS! The PUC ADMITTING they use the DELPHI Technique...blame them! Question the Plaintiff SHOULD be asking...how much 'INFLUENCE' does Anne Marie Cuneo have with her people providing 'opinions'! Does she REVIEW their work PRIOR to FILING? Does she have ANY opinions that she wants 'brought forth'? Questions to ponder...inquiring minds want to know. July 21, 2016: Job ad placed for new General Counsel today. “…related to Nevada’s open meeting law and public records law.” Why not add - to handle Nevada’s answer to Bernstein and Woodward-De Fazio and Voltz! lol Well, well! Is it possible that the LEGAL EAGLES in the GC’s office finally realized that they don’t know shit and are scurrying to get a new GC? Umm, could it be, they got served with the Switch complaint and these KNOW IT ALLS, can’t figure out how to file an answer and need someone to do it? Lets see, if US District Court has a 21 day window to respond, if they were served on the 14th, they have to respond by August 12th…ummm, they want resumes in by the 12th? Did they get served later than the 14th and plan on doing an 11th hour filing? LOL
July 20, 2016: UPON INFORMATION & BELIEF: By Friday the 22nd, Defendants were asked by the court to file Opposition Briefs and Switch is to file their Reply on the 25th. Can't wait to read Tanner's response! July 19, 2016: Ahhhhh, Karma is so much sweeter when you can watch it unfurl. Gee, is "Feral Mama's" First Amendment's Rights being infringed upon????? LOL! LOVE IT! Tit for tat! You fucked with someone's and now Karma is teaching you a lesson!
In the PUBLIC INTEREST and TRANSPARENCY...maybe we should order a copy of your 'presumed' appearance/performance in Federal Court on July 28th??!! Maybe a pizza party, every time we think you are bullshitting, we take a bite of the pizza? YIKES, might need a few dozen pies LOL Do the legal eagles 'cough, cough, gag, gag' at the PUC, need this to start their workday?
Hey Dopey Davey, still think that 'legal advice' you were given/thought of, that someone will BACK DOWN' and that was going to be 'the end of it'? LOL Umm, are you in the bullpen waiting to go up at bat...err, be the next one, that might be a problem to the PUC? Inquiring minds want to know ROTFLMAO! Is this Dopey Davey being 'comforted by his admin atty, Puppet Paulie, Barbie and the remaining wanna be GC's, over the nightmare he created? LOL
Time to start sitting shiva, over your soon to be former REIGN OF UTILITY terror!
July 18, 2016: I bet you thought I forget about you Hellie, but, as I said, in the spirit of open and transparency, here's your press release, enjoy! The new radio Don Fred, gave an excellent interview that I will let you have access to. BTW, he has done a LOT more, too bad, I am not going to tell you...go research it yourself. July 14, 2016: Here is a copy of the Switch complaint against PUKE, oops, I mean PUC! Here are Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the rest of the exhibits will be forthcoming. Exhibit 4 is Tanner’s footprint on the internet-might be more, but this is all for the time being. Apparently, this website has been used to garner information against you, consider it my ‘in the public interest’! I can’t wait for Switch to find the most recent Open Meeting Law complaint filed. Ah, what the hell, here it is, any time I can be of help to show HOW YOU REALLY OPERATE under TRANSPARENCY! Gee, you THINK when they see you INTENTIONALLY are hiding the archived admin audios they might be miffed? LOL Ah, don’t ATTEMPT to ALTER the admin listings, I have TIME STAMPED copies you DIDN’T list them! So it’s NOT just me that you are fucking around with regarding Open Records Requests. Don’t you just fucking LOVE PAPER TRAILS!! You aren’t as smart/slick as you think you are! You better hope and pray I don’t get dragged in as a witness, as I will let loose on every fucking thing you bastards have/haven’t done! AHHHHHHH, future Karma coming up! Gee, maybe Switch will file bar complaints…oh, wouldn’t that be sweet justice! You bastards have heard from ratepayers for YEARS, that you are biased, ignore the public, think you know EVERYTHING when in reality you know jack shit outside of the PUC, make up your own rules under the phrase ‘in the public interest’, guess what, now its time to defend your actions?? Time to TRASH the ENTIRE PUC and find employees with ETHICS, NOT those who cave into supervisors, who MADE THEM reverse their opinions to fit THEIR SLANTED VIEWS, right Anne-Marie regarding smart meters? July 13, 2016: Your OVERT enactment of Reductio ad Hitlerum and Argumentum ad Hitlerum is a stretch! Usually people never get to watch Karma exact revenge upon worthy recipients…well, today, the PUC is JUST STARTING TO get their JUST REWARDS! So enjoyable to sit back with a bowl of popcorn and wonder how their illogical, feet dragging attitude in replacing their General Counsel, is going to confirm why their assistant GC’s are completely worthless and out of their legal arena! PUC and Tanner were named in a US District Court filing! You are DIRECTLY culpable for these lawsuits and as SUCH…you BETTER REALIZE we EXPECT you to PAY for NVE’s legal expenses. If you think you are going to APPROVE their expenses over your stupidity in hiring Tanner, that ratepayers have to shoulder, you seriously need to stop drinking the Kool Aid! Don’t even THINK about going to the BOE to ask for money to try and bail your sorry asses out, to retain an attorney to represent you! WE WILL BE THERE!!! First Switch…wait till solar files their suit! Summer Camp Barbie, now your fellow co-workers can commiserate with your legal woes! The little snot nosed Ass’t GC’s think they are Marcia Clark, Johnny Cockran and expect people to kiss their unseasoned asses, while they REFUSE TO PROVIDE public documents. These pompous attorneys think they are going TO fucking EXTORT money for public records, WRONG! I have OTHER tricks up my sleeve. I’m almost twice your ages, what I have FORGOTTEN you have yet to learn! That JD doesn’t mean shit when it comes to age and experience, remember that! So, you still think that by being smart asses and infringing upon others rights, shit is NOT going to come back upon you and bite you on your collective asses? That you would have CONTROL over them and you would have no more issues? WRONG! Extract cranium from rectum!
THE LAW WORKS BOTH WAYS! More surprises to come next week! The shit is JUST starting to hit the fan! YOU ALL BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELVES! Madonna Mia! Minchia! Che coglione, Cazzata => Rincoglionito!! Don’t like my verbiage? BEH!!!! Non mi caga niente and just Mandare all’inferno, a quel paese!
July 11, 2016: RESIGN MULLEN! We are not fooling around! Nevadans' Wallets Matter, Governor Sandoval We KNOW your GAME regarding replacing the GC! You aren't that SMART to pull this off without people seeing thru your charade! NV PUC: Is Your GC Position Permanently Eliminated or Being Held Open for a Favored Candidate? July 7, 2016:
Nevadans have seen a recurring pattern for
appointment of Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN)
Commissioners. Two of the last four have come from the Governor's
Office of Energy (Rebecca Wagner and Paul Thomsen) with the other
two (David Noble and Alaina Burtenshaw) home grown within the PUCN
bureaucracy. July 7, 2016: RESIGN AND REPAY!
July 6, 2016: RESIGN BARBIE! What part of 'you don't LEGALLY qualify for this JOB' do you NOT understand?
Your refusal to resign is causing more public disclosure that can WHEN you DO go looking for a job, you are 'ahem' qualified for, they will see your TRUE ethics and respect for the law. Your acting like a stubborn ass, digging your hooves into the ground, you might want to consider start praying to ST. FRANCIS! The patron saint of animals!
July 5, 2016: Summer Camp Barbie: Either resign or be prepared to try and defend yourself for this statute violation! This is NOT going to stop until you RESIGN and REPAY your salary! Find ANOTHER source of revenue for ‘GENOA’, we AREN’T going to financially support you!
July 4, 2016: Stay tuned...post 4th of July fireworks will be coming very SOON! July 1, 2016: Ahem, Summer Camp Barbie aka Stephanie Mullen, since this has your ‘title’ on it, you are RESPONSIBLE so, aside from the fact you are fraudulently obtaining a salary from the Nevada ratepayers, now, you want to play ‘hide the salami’ with public records? I can NOT believe you are this STUPID to think the ratepayers are NOT going to call you out for the piss-poor job you are ‘accomplishing', are you?
So we have an Ass’t. General Counsel, Garrett Weir violating the law and refusing to provide documents for these that were due to be produced on or before June 30th at 5p.m. And your other employees following him. Planning on adding to the violation with these, also? NICE! Maybe you can add to your resume, under SKILLS: ‘I don’t read the employee’s handbook and I am too stupid to follow the law’!June 29, 2016: We the ratepayers must be making an impact, as the PUC is trying to schmooze their most public/vocal opponent, and it is not being chalked up as a ‘success’.
When you start a war, make sure it is NOT based on your ‘over-inflated’ ego’s and ‘titles’. As your ‘target’ just might give you a full on ‘response’, that you no longer can ‘contain’, that during your ‘strategy’ sessions you thought you had it all ‘covered’. The PUC is not a Joint Chief of Staff, contrary to what they believe. For an agency that whines constantly about being ‘open and transparent’, they REFUSE to have a RECORD of this ‘invitation/meeting’, citing: ‘Frankly, it formalizes the interaction and is counter-productive.’ Counterproductive? In layman’s terms, it means ‘we are going to bullshit you, to no end and we don’t want anyone else to bear witness to it’.
While I thoroughly enjoyed the repartee today, all it served to do was to solidify that it was a garrulous exchange, where nothing substantial was achieved. I fed you what I designated to elicit a pre-determined response and you did not disappoint, evading the queries/facts. I see in your future, a political run, the inherent ability to bloviate and accomplish/convey nothing.
When you are trying to ‘offer’ an olive branch, actions speak LOUDER than mere words! The burden of proof is upon YOU to assure the other person of your ‘INTENTIONS’! “I thought that recent personnel changes might have created an opportunity to initiate real communication to avoid the perpetuation of conspiracy theories that would be put to rest through simple, informal explanation.” Ray Parker, Jr., singing in the background ‘who you gonna call?’ ALEX JONES! The use of this phrase is when people want to hide the truth and make the truth tellers appear to be promulgating lies. Lets just say, put the so-called ‘naysayers’ under oath and let’s see if their ‘statements’ remain the same! The threat of perjury has a profound effect upon prior assertions! You just can’t take bullshit, roll it in confectionary sugar and call it a doughnut. While the ‘guilty’ run, those with facts, stand up and refuse to be manipulated to acquiesce to those who need to remain in the shadows for their ‘survival’.
Mute is ONLY used on a remote, not when action is required on your part! A RETREAT is another term to describe a summer camp, not an action when asked to provide something. Multiple attempts at placing the onus on the opposing party may work for some people, don’t assume everyone is subliminally receptive to psychological tactics.
Deflection/placation, passive/aggressive actions are not intelligent/effective tools when trying to address an issue. Feigning ‘sincerity’ needs a Lee Strasberg education, not a Boyd School education. When confronted with facts, the culpable party always recoils and hides, aka inability to formulate a formidable response/defense.
Not all ratepayers are devotees of Jim Jones or the Heaven’s Gate cults and believe their ‘leaders’! We are carbon based entities with the ability to recall prior memories to evoke their fraud, lies, while being served with MORE propaganda statements such as ‘in the public interest’!
June 22, 2016: I think I have FINALLY stopped laughing so hard over the PUC’s General Counsel Lina Tanner’s ‘RESIGNATION’, that I can now comment on this! Given the fact that she has FREELY given interviews and statements, that have been made public regarding this! Such as the ones in the Las Vegas Review Journal and Corporate Counsel publication of http://www.alm.com so far. Oh, I DON’T doubt she resigned! The question is how much of a SHOVE did she get to do it? This type of employee discipline etc, would fall under the OML. Since she is classified as an ‘at will’ employee, she is subject to termination at any time. Given her public personality, anyone familiar with her ‘performances at the PUC, would buy into her story that she PLANNED to resign. Its too much of a stretch and beyond believability, that she would quit unless she had another job, as no one is stupid enough in this time of employment uncertainty to leave a current job. It is opined that she was given 2 options; 1. resign and try to ‘safe face’; 2. force us to do it in a closed public meeting, where the public would be made aware of the issue, via the issuing of the agenda notice. From the January 2016 version of NV’s OML Manual, under section 5.09 (page 54/119) 5.09 Providing individual notice to persons whose character, alleged misconduct, professional competence, physical or mental health are to be considered; waivers of notice (See Sample Form 3); exemption from OML for meetings held to consider individual applications for employment (NRS 241.034). NRS 241.033 prohibits a public body from holding a meeting to consider the character, alleged misconduct, professional competence, or physical or mental health of any person unless it provided written notice to the person of the time and place of the meeting and received proof of service of the notice. See NRS 241.033(1)(a) and (b). This applies whether the meeting will be open or closed. NRS 41.033(2)(c) requires a properly drafted notice to include a list of the general topics concerning the person who will be considered by the public body during the closed meeting; and a statement of the provisions of subsection 4, if applicable. Subsection 4 states: That the person being considered by the public body must be permitted to attend the closed meeting; That the person being considered may have an attorney or other representative of his/her choosing present during the closed meeting; and… Who says we don’t know the OML?!?! While it’s obvious enough even to Ray Charles, Tanner is on a mission to do ‘damage control’, it’s the ‘prodding’ of the resignation that remains to be clarified. Sure she can state that she ‘resigned’, but if UNDER OATH, along with the three commissioners and executive director, will they perjure themselves for her and will she, if it should happen to go that far, THAT THEY DID NOT DISCUSS THE ISSUE AND GIVE HER OPTIONS, THAT SHE JUST WALKED IN OUT OF THE BLUE AND HANDED IN HER RESIGNATION, INQUIRING NEVADANS WANT TO KNOW!? Blocking ISP’s is so much fun, knowing its going to frustrate people LOL!!!!!!!! Saying ‘trollers’ as a reason for the Dixie Rae Sparkx, when you admitted in an email, you designated your PIO to SPY on this site…kettle meet pot! ITS ALWAYS THE QUIET ONES YOU HAVE TO WATCH OUT FOR! June 19, 2016: Remember the old adage 'its the quiet ones you have to be concerned about'!
Carolyn 'Lina' Tanner aka Cruella De Ville is no longer at the PUC! A STUPID move trying to hack my website...you are on the radar, capise?
Here is the proof, prior to June 15th, she was listed as General Counsel, isn’t that correct, Lina? Now, on the 19th, her name has been removed! The remaining list of removals are: Stephanie Mullen- Executive Director: statutorily NOT qualified David Nobel-Commissioner: his fate is to be determined on or before September 30th…looking into my Magic 8 Ball, I don’t see a positive response when asking it, will Davey be reappointed? Maybe if you did something to PROVE your WORTH, you might save your position? Try UPHOLDING the LAW regarding the QUALIFICATIONS of the ED, it could be your Hail Mary pass? The grains of sand are shifting downward.
June 15, 2016: When people are placed in a position where they THINK they are the ultimate expert on everything, sometimes that over-inflated ego makes elementary mistakes, that people she feels are inferior to her, prove there are others more competent than she is. Apparently, Lina Baby is not the Bill Gates of the PUC, when it comes to trying to HIDE on the internet. Shooting your mouth off during an active docket, tsk tsk, then bad mouthing the named parties, shame, shame. Bet you didn't expect that to come out today during public comments, did you? Will the PUC file this document? Will they try to alter the audio? Inquiring minds want to know. I wish I could take credit for this Annie Leibovitz quality find, but, an admirer of yours found it freely posted on the internet. Is this, DIXIE RAE SPARX?
1.Create FLAT RATE deposits predicated on types of properties ie apartments/condos, townhouses etc.; OR 2. Extend deposit payment plan...TIME WILL TELL!
May 25, 2016: Well, the PUC better get their asses covered with some type of fire retardant, as their asses are about to be fried! You REFUSED to LISTEN to us about cancer and the s’meters. You THOUGHT YOUR NON-MEDICAL employees knew more than us, HA! Try and IGNORE THIS!
You were INFORMED that the NTP was doing the DEFINITIVE study on wireless and cancer, but you STILL ignored us! There are numerous VIDEOS of EVERYONE at the PUC who were INVOLVED with the s’meter issue, hearing the comments. WELL, ‘lighting the proverbial match’, you WERE WRONG! The RESULTS ARE IN! As USUAL we were RIGHT! NOW, you better RECTIFY this, STAT!
You ALLOWED people to be EXPOSED to CANCER EMITTING wireless, most likely you were and are still stupid enough to expose your kids! So are you going to PROTECT and PROVIDE SAFE utility as cited in statute or KEEP causing immeasurable harm to parents with their kids potentially getting cancer?
Now you want to MANDATE that those who can’t afford a deposit, to have CARCINOGENIC devices as part of the program?! DROP it and find a SAFER alternative to this HARMFUL program! You WERE given NUMEROUS options! To quote Hannibal Smith of ‘The A Team’, I love it when a plan comes together’. I LOVE it when MALFEASANCE can COME TOGETHER! May 20, 2016: Apparently, the PUC got a heads up on Sierra Pacific’s General Rate Case, PRIOR to it being file on June 6th. Seems that SP is requesting NO INCREASE! This is from a VERY CREDITABLE source. So time will tell if the PUC is going to follow this recommendation or try to fuck the ratepayers like Dopey Davey tried to do in 2013! SO MUCH FOR TRANSPARENCY! DISCLOSURE AND PROBABLE BEHIND THE SCENES DISCUSSIONS! YEAH! I got the info ALSO! DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!! May 3, 2016: Why is the PUC REFUSING to file a submission, on a docket, that the PUC SUPPORTS and is intentionally hiding opposition to the Flexpay/Prepay filing. Here is WHAT they want to HIDE from the public! PROBABLE reason, is that AGAIN the PUC was CAUGHT SCREWING certain demographics to fit their SKEWED VISION of how they want things to be addressed!! EXPLAIN YOUR FAILURE TO ADDRESS WHY SOCIAL SECURITY IS NOT FULLY EMBRACED AT EVERY LEVEL!!!!! April 19, 2016: Oh, PLEASE! Why are you having a hearing on Flexpay when the entire fucking Commission at 1 hour and 20 minutes into this, not a SINGLE question has been asked!! All this SHOWS/PROVES is that the morons at the PUC have made their minds up, as its VIRTUALLY impossible for not a single one of them to have ANY questions! NOTHING SHORT OF REGULATORY CAPTURE! GET RID OF THE ENTIRE PUC COMMISSION and get people who are NOT BIASED and DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! April 14, 2016: Our lil Summer Camp Barbie, apparently missed the class that ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE is part of FINANCE! This HIGHLY ‘cough cough’ qualified CFO, is showing her expertise in ALL financial aspects, by achieving the ACCOUNTING anomaly, TWO QUARTERS with EXACTLY the same dollar amount of outstanding receivables. GOOD JOB!! Quarter ending 12/31/15 $308,833.49 Quarter ending 3/31/16 $308,833.49 Between these two quarters, fines were assessed and IMMEDIATELY paid, SANS Barbie’s intervention. Since your ILLEGAL first day of work, YOU HAVEN’T COLLECTED ON YOUR OWN, ONE SINGLE PENNY OF OUTSTANDING RECEIVABLES! WHAT you THINK, you can USE your ‘comment’ in your March 31, 2016, memo to the Commissioners, as an ‘EXCUSE’, in lieu of WORKING these accounts to clear them off your books? “All delinquent debt has been referred to the State Controller’s Office for collection. Pursuant to NRS 353C.195, the State Controller acts as the collection agent. Additionally, in accordance with NRS 353C.220, the State Controller’s Office may request the State Board of Examiners (BOE) and/or Clerk of the BOE to designate a debt as a bad debt in which case the debt will be removed from the books of account of the State of Nevada.” Why haven’t you worked these outstanding accounts? OH, I KNOW! Because you are NOT doing your JOB! To paraphrase Michele Fiore: “You sat your ass down”, at a meeting that you HAD NO BUSINESS BEING AT! Your BIG JOB PERFORMANCE on Thursday, April 14th, FROM 9:00 a.m. to 4:20 p.m., at the New Energy Task Force Subcommittee on Distributed Generation and Storage created by Bri-Bri to promote 'clean energy' for NV, YOU SAT LIKE A MUTE, BUMP ON A LOG, and your only expense of energy was to take Tanner's or your smart phone with an NRS citation to Anne Marie, who was at the witness table and couldn't answer the question on her own. You had NO OTHER ROLE the entire day. Unless your JOB DESCRIPTION has CHANGED, which IRONICALLY would REQUIRE your agoraphobic ass to hold an ADMIN AGENDA Meeting, you HAD NO BUSINESS there! What Lina Baby COULDN’T report back to PUC Central about what transpired? Like you REALLY understood the content of the meeting. Psst Chica, I was listening to Anne Marie and I had at times a hard time, and I have FOUR fucking years of listening to the PUC’s babble! You a HARDCORE NEOPHYTE was JUST there to SKIP WORK! Just like you are GOING to SKIP work to go to Dopey Davey PUC Commissioners conference. You OWE us your SALARY for these days, as you aren’t doing your REGULAR job, now you think you can EXPAND into the DRO?????? April 8, 2016: WOW! PUC CELEBRITY sighting! Who was seen LEAVING Whole Foods in Reno at 4:30 pm today, during work hours? No one other than the self-proclaimed, over-worked, General Counsel Tanner! So did she take a vacation day, leave early (30 minutes or so from office to Reno), buy ‘healthy foods for the office or just pms’ing? Your employers want to know what we are paying you for!! April 8, 2016: WOW! At least we are getting a heads up on one of the probable...PUC's biggest cluster fucks about to happen! Assigning Puppet Paulie to this docket, (16-07001), time to get the Jiffy Pop out for this one! Gee, not assigning Dopey Davey to one of the rare things he understands, is this the 'STEALTH' sign that Davey is going to be leaving come September 30th?! Time to watch to see what he is assigned. Or is Paulie too stupid to realize, that if he assigns Davey Baby to a major docket, and lil Bri Bri is getting ready to replace Davey Baby over the net metering fiasco, who is going to 'inherit' Davey's dockets? Time to stock up on Milk Duds, Snowcaps, Raisinettes, etc. April 6, 2016: ATTENTION! All of a sudden, after Puppet Paulie was CHALLENGED at the Sunset Sub-committee, after his GRANDSTANDING about the GLORIES of the PUC's actions, now they want to APPEAR to be OPEN & TRANSPARENT. As Puppet Paulie was NOT around during Crystal Jackson's stellar performance at the budget committee, where they ASKED FOR OVER A HALF A MILLION dollars to upgrade their computers and Audio/visual equipment. So NICE to see our MILL TAX dollars in action. Here is the PR SPIN from Pete Kostes about their LIVE STREAMING to be OPEN to everyone...'gag'. NOTICE HE IS JUST DANGLING A CARROT, NO DETAILS, JUST A PIECE OF PR BULLSHIT TO TRY AND APPEASE THE IRATE RATEPAYERS OVER LACK OF TRANSPARENCY! DETAILS ARE WANTED, NOT 'PIE IN THE SKY' FUTURE 'PROMISES'! IF YOU ARE SO 'CONCERNED' ABOUT TRANSPARENCY, THEN BROADCAST THE AUDIO OF EVERY SINGLE TIME, THAT YOU HAVE ANYONE SITTING ON THE DIAS DISCUSSING ANYTHING THAT YOU HAVE OVERSIGHT OVER!! DON'T TRY AND BULLSHIT THAT YOU CAN'T! YOU DO IT WITH THE UTILITY AGENDA MEETINGS, SO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE THE CAPABILITY!!! OTHERWISE, YOU ARE JUST FULL OF SHIT! CAPISE?!?!?! Problem is Petey, you are STILL HIDING your ADMIN agenda meetings. FORTUNATELY, I have them AVAILABLE to the public here. So now you can DRONE on about how open and transparent you are, while you have the ratepayers PASSIVELY looking on; they have no voice unless they are present. Just like in the Hunger Games, the 'wide screen', to see what they are doing, that you have no control over. Guess these OPEN viewings are KICKING you OUT from claiming to be just like the NEVADA SUPREME COURT! ARE YOU GOING TO ARCHIVE THEM? DON'T WORRY, I'LL VIDEO TAPE THEM FROM THE COMPUTER, SO THE PUBLIC CAN VIEW THEM AT THEIR LEISURE! April 4, 2016: Is Puppet Paulie smoking some weed? Assigning the BANE of solar's existence, Dopey Davey, the docket for SOLAR BATTERIES? Guess you don't have ENOUGH work for Pete Kostes to do regarding DAMAGE CONTROL, you let him oversee this docket. If there was EVER a poster child for shit for brains, its Puppet Paulie....
Then AGAIN, why is the PREPARER of drafts, signing off for 'attorneys' in the General Counsel office? Where is the REAL PROOF that Weir ACTUALLY READ IT? This BULLSHIT of the drafter signing off for another is bogus! As that 'attorney' who REVIEWS it, should be ABLE to spend TWO SECONDS to sign his OWN INITIALS! This just CONFIRMS that 'staff' aren't doing their JOBS! One 'lies' and the other 'swears' to it, apparently! March 30, 2016: Is Stephanie Mullen the PUC’s Version of Carmen Sandiego or Just a Tina Fey wannabe? As if the PUC’s metastasizing legal screw-ups weren’t enough, the PUC has forgotten to hold its quarterly administrative agenda meetings. Ever since summer camp Barbie, aka Stephanie Mullen, became Executive Director last August and geothermally-powered Paul Thomsen became chair last October, the PUC’s honchos/honchas have had zero administrative business, or at least zero administrative business they are willing to discuss in a public meeting. Well, in Steph’s defense, she DID make her inaugural public appearance at a legislative committee meeting. She failed her stealth audition for mistress of ceremonies a la Tina Fey. For her debut/audition she was able to remember her name, and the names of Lina and Anne-Marie. Instead of walking off into the ‘stage wings’ after introducing the actual speakers, she sat and watched them attempt to do their jobs, aka spinning what the PUC fantasizes it does ‘in the public interest.’ We can only speculate that Crystal Reynolds Jackson, the last Executive Director who exited her crumbling performance for a cushy retirement package, didn’t tell Steph that the ED is supposed to actually be able to speak and sound/appear knowledgeable about her job and responsibilities. It is depressing how little $115,000 plus benefits, of rate payers’ Mill Tax, will buy in the executive job market these days. Maybe it’s time to review her ‘interview’ video, to see if there was a small ‘brown’ spot on the tip of her nose that solidified her ‘endorsement’ for this position? Open and transparent or closed and opaque, you decide. One thing is for sure: it is clear as mud. Once again the PUC shows just how disinterested it is in serving the public interest,
preferring to serve itself at the all-you-can-eat buffet of public employment. It is virtually impossible to be fired for gross incompetence as a government employee because the managers don’t want to do the paper work. You gotta love the PUC’s bogus excuse of quasi-judicial status to keep the public at bay. If you believe their spin, the PUC is just like the Nevada Supreme Court to hear them crow about their absolute authority to impose cruel and unusual punishment on ratepayers. Maybe the ratepayers should collect a bounty for anyone providing information which leads to finding where the PUC has hidden its Administrative Agenda Meetings? Or are we going to have to wait for their ‘delusional’ forthcoming BDR’s, when she is going to actually have to appear in public to explain/defend? Or will she do a repeat audition and again have others do her job for her? Will she finally ‘appear/speak’ to legislators by ‘not-lobbying’ over the BDR’s? It’s time we put Carmen Sandiego’s rescue team on this case immediately! Geraldo Rivera had better luck finding Al Capone’s treasure than the ratepayers finding the missing administrative hearings or Dopey Davey ‘no subsidies spine’! March 22, 2016:
Monday, May 23 | 1:45 p.m. - 2:45 p.m.
Umm, PUC & CRC, sounds like a potential STEALTH meeting SB46...Part Deux? Heads up, we are going to fight it AGAIN come 2017, even if you TRY to submit it individually!
Moderator: Commissioner Alaina Burtenshaw, Nevada
Public Utilities Commission
Panelists: Ann Pongracz, Special Counsel to the
Colorado River Commission of Nevada
Taping/Video Policy Unless you receive prior approval from WCPSC, only credentialed members of the press are allowed to tape
or video WCPSC sessions. This policy gives comfort to our
speakers and
protects WCPSC from
potential legal action.
Is this BECAUSE you are conferencing on how to screw the ratepayers and protect the utilities? CATAMARAN TOUR? Oh, puh-leeze! Like cruising the lake has ANYTHING to do with PUC REGULATION?! It figures Dopey Davey is trying to SHOW off and since his fellow commissioners are SUCKING at the public teat for this 'conference', he is offering this IMPORTANT, NECESSARY and EDUCATIONAL activity! 2016 WCPSC Activities & Tours: The 2016 WCPSC is offering attendees the following activities on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.
March 21, 2016: Good GOD! Why not drag every damn person from the Cartoon City Office to a FREEBIE vaca at the RATEPAYERS EXPENSE! Looks like they want ALL their IRREPLACEABLE departments represented! 'cough cough' Why the hell is Stephanie Mullen going? Her PATHETIC performance as the ED at the Legislature, where her STELLAR performance, consisted of introducing herself, Cuneo and Tanner, then sat like a bump on a log, and she is going to CONTRIBUTE WHAT to this conference? She hasn't held a DAMN ADMIN AGENDA MEETING, most likely because she is probably still trying to find the bathroom up in Cartoon City, and she gets to go to Lake Tahoe! Geeze, she worked at a CAMP by Lake Tahoe, so what is the necessity of sending her? Wonder how many of these 'attendees' are going to TRY AND FIND an excuse to get a FREE room, rather than drive from their Cartoon City Office? Time to REVIEW travel guidelines!
March 14, 2016: Rules for Judicial Review:
NRS 703.373 Judicial review: Petition; answer; participation of
Commission; scope of review; grounds for setting aside decision of
Commission. March 14, 2016: Mea Culpa...forgot to include this DITTY that surely warrants everyone's attention. PUC got sued and the BEST they can come up with is Lying Lina and her little boy attorney Weir, these are surely not an "A" team, by any stretch of the imagination. This match up is worthy of a show at the MGM...copy of the complaint will be posted soon. The Alliance for Solar Choice Petition and Vote Solar Petition. March 13, 2016: Oops, I guess someone had a more important event to attend rather than hear Anne-Marie drone on about the PUC's bullshit on net metering. Gee, I hope no one got STRESSED out wondering who might show up 'evil wicked grin'! March 6, 2016: MARK YOUR CALENDARS, FOR THIS TUESDAY! The PUC is doing the following and THIS TIME THEY HAVE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS! Is she going to try and AVOID answering questions, trying to claim its an OPEN MEETING? Based on the PUC's onerous actions to drag every Bernie, Martin and Hillary to CONFERENCES, how many extraneous people are going to show up as Anne Marie's entourage? APPARENTLY, THIS IS THEIR SO CALLED 'COVERT' DAMAGE CONTROL, THAT'S ABOUT AS CLOISTERED AS A BLACK HOLE! I suggest that you take a dose of Nexium, prior to eating, as you will surely suffer from agita/tsoris, from this presentation. Request that you receive a coupon for a pedicure, as the dreck is going to flow thru the room. Tue, Mar 8, 5:15 PM, The Hayek Group, The Club at Arrowcreek. Program: Net metering is a
practice that allows the owners of solar energy systems to
distribute energy they produce back to the utility, and to be
compensated with credits against future energy use the solar owner
may need to purchase from the utility. Net metering policies are a highly contested topic in many states. We will discuss the history behind net meting policies and the hidden and explicit subsidies that occur when designing utility rates, where “fair” doesn’t always mean “equal”. Speaker Bio: Anne-Marie is an 18-year veteran of the Nevada Public Utilities Commission, assuming duties as Director of Regulatory Operations in 2009. She manages Regulatory Operations Staff, including five technical divisions and Staff Counsel’s Office. She's directs presentations on policy and legislative activity. Anne-Marie holds a Master of Science degree in Economics from the University of Nevada, Reno.
$35 with reservations. RSVP: https://thehayekgroup.wildapricot.org/eventsmc_cid=da9693e5c0&mc_eid=90dbf8fe3b March 5, 2016: Is Dopey Davey going doctor shopping for ED drugs, in preparation for the fucking over of the rate payers up in Sierra Pacific, with the general rate case coming up in June, like he did last time? I can't see the incompetent Puppet Paulie doing it, that would be like shooting pool with a flaccid strand of angel hair pasta!
February 23, 2016: The public's love for the PUKE, oops, PUC and Puppet Paulie apparently has no bounds. Did you see this Petey? Looks like Paulie Baby was taught math via COMMON CORE! Oy Vey!
3x3=27 ? 4 quarters = $3? What?? This
is the intelligence of PUC Commissioner Thomsen
The PUC Caught in another lie. Commissioner Thomsen said the subsidy equated to $3 a month to the 97 percent of customers of NV Energy who do not have rooftop solar systems. He also said that there has been a huge amount of investment into alternative energy in Nevada, including rooftop and large solar projects, over the past several years. The Governor's energy office recently announced that it has provided more than $467 million in incentives, grants and loans to help develop the solar industry in Nevada. Since 2009, the office's Renewable Energy Tax Abatement Program has attracted $4.3 billion in capital improvements, payroll, and taxes paid, representing a nearly 10-to-1 return on Nevada's investment. There are about 19,500 interconnected net metering customers in Nevada with about 12,000 more in the pipeline. NV Energy has about 1.3 million customers. Lets try some math. This is not an opinion ... simply math. NV Energy says the annual subsidy for solar customers is 16 million. NV Energy says its non-solar customers pay 3 bucks a month extra to subsidize solar customers. NV Evergy has 1.3 million customers. 97% do not have solar. So .97 times 1.3 million is 1.26 million non solar customers. That leaves 40 thousand solar customers, yet NV Energy says there are 19000. So maybe 98% non solar? 1.26 million customers times 3 bucks a month is 3.78 million dollars a month in supposed subsidies. 3.78 million per month times 12 months is 45.36 million dollars per year. Hmmmmm, 16 million in stated subsidies or 45 million? Does everybody see why we don't trust their math? Does everybody see why we don't trust their math or anything else the PUC says? Boycott Heinz, Kraft and Coke products. Make Haode Buffet, Warren Buffet, NVEnergy and Bershire Hathaway feel the pain. Boycott. February 22, 2016: HI PETER! Guess you don't have enough work to do as the PIO, now, you get to spend time monitoring this site, as per the email you sent? So much for getting our money's worth from the Mill Tax! Lying Lina, now trying to impact the right to assemble? Guess with liberals, the constitution is situational? WOW! Is Tanner going to call in the 'troops' during May 30th to June 3rd, when Alaina and Dopey Davey are going to be in the same meeting room with SOLAR CITY? At least you aren't bringing the entire PUC entourage to this meeting. Does Davey play golf? Just how does this RELATE to Commissioners and their work? "Shotgun golf tournament on the Adobe Golf Course located at the Arizona Biltmore. The Adobe Course features wide fairways and classic cross borders – approximately 4 hours." Are these CONSTANT meetings so STRESSFUL that they need to hit the links? Or a why the hell not 'activity', we can play on the PUC's dime?! Is this the consensus of Commissioners? February 17, 2016: Look who came to support VICTORIA SEAMAN FOR STATE SENATE! Our newly elected State Controller RON KNECHT!!!!!!! Both are GREAT PUBLIC SERVANTS! The PUC could take LESSONS from BOTH OF THEM!
February 15, 2016: PROTEST AT THE CONFERENCE THAT DOPEY DAVEY IS 'HOSTING'! THERE WILL BE COMMISSIONERS FROM THE WESTERN STATES (Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming). They fucked up in October and put Not-Noble in as President. 2016 WCPSC (Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners) May 21 - May 25, 2016 February 12, 2016: MY MYYYYYY!!!!!! DOPEY DAVEY'S ADMINISTRATIVE ATTORNEY IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE FORMER CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FOR NV ENERGY! PHIL SATRE IS HER FATHER, HER NAME IS JESSICA NEE SATRE, NOW DISS!! February 12, 2016: YOU LYING BASTARDS! YOU HAD NO FUCKING TIME DEADLINE TO GET THE ORDER SIGNED! IT WAS A FUCKING REHEARING, NO X-AMOUNT OF DAYS. YOU BASTARDS INTENTIONALLY SUPPRESSED PUBLIC COMMENT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT TO HEAR ALL THE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT YOU! YOU VIOLATED THE OPEN MEETING LAW ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!! February 12, 2016: Good show asses! Now, you have the Open Carry people putting you on their radar over VIOLATING their rights! Oh, this is going to be FUN!!!!!!! COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A BETTER BUNCH OF SCHMUCKS! February 11, 2016: Aw, the Commissioners are FRAIDY Cats of people exhibiting their RIGHT TO OPEN CARRY! First, it was three, just askin’ how many more might show up in camaraderie of these three? From the rantings of Lying Lina to the RJ, they are AFRAID/SCARED! Hey, you wanted to work for the PUC, you want to fuck with people, do you think that they are going to bend over and spread ‘em without a fight? Bet you guys wish you were dealing with the anti-smart meters folks, huh?! LOL So what if the home addresses were made public! THEY ARE FUCKING PUBLIC RECORDS YOU MORON! Lina Baby, did they post yours and you are SCARED about it? Aw, just show them how you FUCKING interpret the 2nd Amendment? Do you have a gun Lying Lina? Just strap it on to show you can be ‘bad’, do you know how to strap things on? Are you a complete FUCKING IDIOT? “"Things were getting really tense on the ground,” said Tanner. What you are a FUCKING GENERAL AND DISCUSSING troop activity? ‘palm slap on my forehead’’ THE LOVE of the community for the PUC is just so over-whelming, its beyond words! Fraidy Davey of a camera, video taping him fucking over rate payers, now, has this nightmare as an EARLY birthday present. What they are now going to want personal bodyguards? Can’t take the heat get the FUCK out of the FIRE! TIME TO GET MICHELE FIORE TO COME AND DO THE NEGOTIATIONS LOL February 11, 2016. Umm, does Matt Fox know his conversation was recorded? Umm, his memory better be working at top level, otherwise, um, perjury? Taping in public is LEGAL! February 10, 2016: Not even the Nevada Press Association believed the bullshit spewed forth from Lying Lina. So much for factual comments to a state subcommittee. Lets see if she spews the same bullshit, when her lying ass is going to be on the witness stand and under oath, with a QUALIFIED and RESPECTED attorney doing the asking! February 10, 2016: STEPHANIE MULLEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR JOB! You are VIOLATING THE LAW, YOU AREN'T QUALIFIED. NRS 703.130 Personnel and consultants; Executive Director; 2. The Commission shall appoint an Executive Director, who must be: (b) Knowledgeable in the areas of utility regulation by the Commission;WHAT PART OF THE PHRASE 'WHO MUST BE' DID YOU NOT LEARN AT THE UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX 'EYE ROLL' Your fulfillment of this REQUIREMENT is about as ACCEPTABLE as a K/L-I3 is to a Kardashian, CAPISH?
Another lying, unqualified person, sucking at the NV public teat! February 9, 2016: In their NEVER ending quest of hiring QUALIFIED people with UTILITY background, now, we have discovered who is the Admin Attorney for Puppet Paulie. A legal newbie, Daniel C. Haggarty, admitted to the NV Bar 10/8/15, who is listed as having ONE YEAR experience on 'Up Counsel'. At 28 years old, we have the blind leading the blind regarding utility regulation here in NV. Did the PUC's General Counsel tell him, to remove his information from his business website, so that the public would not know his background? Inquiring minds wonder. Guess it didn't work, as he didn't remove his footprint from "Up Counsel". February 8, 2016:
JUST SAYING: Ummm, could there be a PUC Commissioner who has a stealth desire to be Italian and go into one of the more financially lucrative Italian industries….aka money loaning? Apparently, your salary is enough to make these investments, or could it be, that since you didn’t get a raise, you are potentially going into money loaning as an alternative? A possible magic number of 10% interest…Isn’t it INTERESTING that the PUC USED to give NVE a 10% ROI, is this where that number came from? Just saying! Interesting allegation to look into, huh? Maybe they can hire me to be their ‘collector’, since I have the expertise in collections and I am 100% Italian? LOL
February 3, 2016: So why did the PUC pull down the employment request for the administrative attorney position but NOT POST that they APPARENTLY hired someone and FAILED to list the new employee? So much for open and transparent...what are they afraid of, the public finding out who is going to ADVISE Puppet Paulie? February 2, 2016: Davey Baby you BETTER NOT back down and ALLOW the non-solar people to SUBSIDIZE the solar whiners! As there is an IRREFUTABLE RECORD of you STATING you are AGAINST ANY SUBSIDIES! This is going to come back and bite you on your LYING, PERJURING ASS, if you force us to subsidize!
January 25, 2016: SandoFAIL's circus of incompetent clowns had another 'performance' today, and no one was disappointed regarding their stupid actions in the 'main ring'! Apparently, the PUC is into channeling their hidden desire to be CHERRY PICKERS when it comes to actually PROCESSING or UPLOADING filed dockets! A PRIME example, Docket 15-07041/2, some of the filings are immediately uploaded, BUTTTTT, when it comes to other dockets they sit on their biased asses! So you have the PUC's MO (mendacious omissions) regarding today's agenda meeting: Did they notice the meeting within the time prescribed, yes. Now, notice that ALL the following were screen shot AFTER the meeting took place. The FULL list of the backup and information to be discussed can be found here. Did they INCLUDE the PROPOSED investigations that THEY requested and submitted a while back, NO! Under 2, you will notice that D & F backups are missing. Now 2D has to do with electric charging stations. The ACTUAL docket was opened on January 15, 2016 and was REQUESTED by the PUC, so who the hell at the PUC REQUESTED IT and why wasn't this FILING uploaded? It SHOWED up on their DOCKET list as being opened on January 15th! Does their legal case manager HAVE to REVIEW their OWN FILINGS? The filing that requested this docket STILL hasn't been uploaded. 2F has to do with battery storage. The ACTUAL docket was opened on January 11, 2016 and was REQUESTED by the PUC, so who the hell at the PUC REQUESTED IT and why wasn't this FILING uploaded? It SHOWED up on their DOCKET list as being opened on January 11th! Does their legal case manager HAVE to REVIEW their OWN FILINGS? The filing that requested this docket STILL hasn't been uploaded. The ONLY filed items in this docket are FIVE requests to be commenters and those were FILED/ENTERED on JANUARY 12th!!! So ALL this time has passed, commenter requests have been filed and uploaded, but NOT the actual request for these investigations...WHY? So, of COURSE, with NO back up to see what the investigations were based on, did that stop Puppet Paulie and Dopey Davey from rambling on about them, hell NO! This was even BROUGHT up during the FIRST PUBLIC comment and STILL hours later this issue hasn't been resolved! To fully appreciate today's antics, here is the audio file. High points to be detailed later. January 24, 2016: The public would never know of the musical chairs or comings/goings of PUC employees, BUT, those that keep an eye on the shenanigans of the PUC find the last 'exit' to be too funny for words! As right now, the PUC is without an administrative attorney for Puppet Paulie, their Chair. So you have the 'cough, cough, hack, hack' brilliant employment search for an attorney to advise the BIGGEST NOVICE, Puppet Paulie on the commission in legal matters. What is so pathetically FUNNY is that the MINIMUM requirement for this job is to have graduated from 'an accredited law school, admission to the NV Bar preferred'. So rather than having someone who has had some REAL LIFE LEGAL experience as a MINIMUM, any Tom, Dick or Jane, who just graduated from law school, can get this position! Even a law school graduate from the BOTTOM of their class, could windup in this job! Good God! No wonder the Commission is so fucked up, they have no STANDARDS regarding legal experience for a position such as this!
Oh, and the requirement: "must be able to communicate with the general public", oh, PLEASE! After watching the PUBLIC interaction with Davey Baby's administrative attorney, Jessica, with REPRESENTATIVES of the NV Legislature, yeah, that's a REAL necessity! Standing against a back wall, like a bump on a log, afraid to speak, yeah, that's public communication. Just look at the hard core experience their new Executive Director came with! It doesn't take a genius to see why Puppet Paulie's administrative attorney Roman left...smart move on his part. Some would say 1: He went to go and work with his former commissioner Becky Wagner (nah, doubtful she could offer him the perks that come with a state position); B: He didn't want to work with such a novice as Puppet Paulie (as he would have had to keep being the mentor for Paulie Baby, not something someone would want to do, especially with the major salary discrepancy); 3: He got an offer from a law office that represents clients with the PUC! WINNER WINNER, CHICKEN DINNER! Harry Reid's son, Leif, an attorney with Lewis Roca, is involved in the solar net metering, fucking nightmare that Dopey Davey CREATED and is presiding over. So what better strategy, than to get the REAL background/knowledge/inner workings of the PUC than to hire the administrative attorney for a PUC Commissioner, NOT just a Commissioner but the CHAIR of the PUC! You NEVER learn:
January 21, 2016: Dopey Davey's nuts must have been burning so much, that he HAD to find a WAY to chill the raging INFERNO upon his 'lil sacs', SO HE USED THE 'IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" UNDER NAC 703.115...GOOD GOD DAVEY, HOW FUCKING STUPID DO YOU THINK THE PUBLIC IS...THINKING BY NOW USING THIS, YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT THE PUBLIC, HA!....YOUR ASS IS GETTING FRIED AND THIS IS YOUR ATTEMPT AT A HAIL MARY PLAY!!!!!by finding a way to GRANT in PART the BCP's Petition for Reconsideration while DENYING Southern Nevada's Homebuilder's petition. NVE SP docket's draft order. NOWWWWWWWWW, these DRAFT ORDERS are SUPPOSED to be REVIEWED by the legal wizards in the General Counsel Office. So lets see IF THEY REALLY are REVIEWED or just 'signed' off by Dopey Davey, who it LOOKS like they just TOLD HIM to SIGN OFF FOR THEM! Dockets 15-07041/2, Davey Baby on page two, January 20, 2016 AT 3:30 pm signed off on this draft order and VIOLA at 4:03 pm, the SAME day, he SIGNS off for HW (Haley Williamson ), AMAZING in UNDER 33 minutes Haley REVIEWED THIS AND got it to the department to have it TIME STAMPED! Yeah, uh-huh, RIGHT! What is she- a GRADUATE of Evelyn Wood Speed Reading? January 14, 2016: No more playing HIDE THE SALAMI regarding your administration meetings. The audio files you don't let the public know about, now, are AVAILABLE!!!! Along with the PUC charging/extorting A DOLLAR for a LARGE file that they WON'T post to their website, as they claim, THEY DON'T POST AUDIO FILES! SO MUCH FOR THEIR SO CALLED TRANSPARENCY...Chinese Menu mentality, one from Column A (Utility) and one from Column B (Administrative) agendas. January 13, 2016: Davey Baby- at 10:50- 11:01 am TODAY, your ass was on the dais, yet, can we extrapolate that you were SEARCHING yourself on this website from your CELL PHONE via your ISP AT&T U-Verse, HOST name sbcglobal.net, Safari 6.1 Browser, OS X! You see EVERY thing is LOGGED on this site! As it references INCOME VALLEY! PLAY ON YOUR CELL PHONE AFTER WORK HOURS! Gee, a 9:30am PUC agenda meeting that at 2:40pm still hasn't gotten past public comments LOL Dopey Davey must be seething under the collar and wants to blow up, but can't...Ah, another break...guess Puppet Paulie needs either a potty break or time to punch something to vent his frustrations LOL May I suggest punching Dopey Davey for causing this? LOL One guy a few minutes ago asked 'Are your brains on vacation"? More like do you have shit for brains to see the mayhem that Dopey Davey has generated. This pompous ass should have approved the stay, rather than rushing the implementation, as you could have had more time to review the information. But as usual Dopey Davey talks out of his ass, generating mayhem that was preventable. When you have a Commissioner, who it is assumed comes from a privileged background, he can't understand the 'lesser' people that he hasn't interacted with, because of his 'self-proclaimed' superiority, this is what happens. You are about as wanted on the Commission by the public, as crabs on a hooker! You open your mouth and are perceived as a liar!
You are like a clown on a road hitchhiking...that people ignore.
OMG! I just sprayed the monitor! At 2:55pm, Puppet Paulie asked Commissioner Burtenshaw how many more commenter cards SIXTY! LOL OH, THIS IS PRICELESS... A couple of more hours at 3 minutes per person, if all 60 people are still in the building to comment. Wonder if the ones called earlier who didn't speak, come back and speak? So far a few of the names called aren't appearing.
January 7, 2016: Hey Davey Baby, Charlie Sheen isn't auditioning anymore for his tv show Anger Management. Emotional, irrational and very unlawyer like, embattled Nevada
PUC Commissioner Davey Baby gave the public another dose of his
dictatorial, short-fuse behavior, spoiled little brat attitude at
today 's hearing. January 4, 2016: Gee, wonder what Davey Baby is getting for his birthday? Forget Fa= -Fb. Davey Baby's KE is nothing compared to the PE he is going to be introduced to, for fucking with the wrong person! REMEMBER:
December 29, 2015: Have no idea why that chubby, old lady that sat in my area at the PUC, has the Archie Bunker comment of 'Stiffle it' popping into my mind? Umm, any 'cord/connection' to Davey boy? Guess while under oath we will ask Davey Baby, 6th Amendment time! Her photo will be made public at the appropriate time!
December 28, 2015: Davey Baby better start looking for another job, as Bri Bri is not going to reappoint someone who is making him look like an ass.
24,2015: RE Noble
December 21, 2015: It just BOGGLES the mind, the STUPIDITY, LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM, LACK OF ATTENTION TO DETAIL by both TANNER & NOBLE! We are fucking paying these 'professionals' for STUPID work products! Today Noble submitted his draft order and Tanner signed off on it. The FUCKING DRAFT order date that Noble signed off on, page 2, is AUGUST 21st and APPROVED by their EVER HYPER-VIGILANT to DETAIL Tanner...Now, it COULD be an INNOCENT MISTAKE, but these NON THOROUGH professionals OVERLOOKED the obvious, that Noble's use of AUGUST 21st, happened to be the SAME DATE of the prior hearing on the same docket. This is what is CALLED due diligence before people make comments on a filing that can impact them. From prior experience with Tanner, the ONLY time she gives her full attention is when she tries to discredit people who point out FLAWS at the PUC. We ratepayers SURELY are not getting top-notch 'professionals' whose attention to detail is surely LACKING! At the time that this is being uploaded, 4:00 pm, NOT A SINGLE PERSON AT THE PUC CAUGHT THIS PROBLEM. December 20, 2015: Well, WELL! Lookie here! A little over 2 months ago, I told Puppet Paulie he was a shill for geothermal...seems his love of ONLY geothermal was prevalent in his prior job. This ass needs to get the fuck off the PUC he has NO NEUTRAL views and as such, has his personal agenda to achieve. Go back and put your lips to either Bri Bri's or Harry's ass. THE FUCKING TRUTH RISES TO THE SURFACE WITH PUPPETS/SHILLS. December 17, 2015: The PUC is AT IT AGAIN! FUCKING MAKING UP OPEN MEETING RULES AS THEY PULL THEM OUT OF THEIR OVERPAID, SPREADING ASSES! Today a notice for the meeting on the 22nd agenda came out. DO THEY INCLUDE ALL THE BACKUP OF COURSE NOT! THEY CLEARLY STATE: Contact Trish Osborne at 775/684-6101 or Teresa Skanks at 702/486-7210 to request agenda meeting supporting material! So when you CONTACT THE PUC regarding questions, do you think you get a RESPONSE? HELL NO! Why the fuck do they even bother making this notation?
Trish, December 8, 2015: Newest article for The Vegas Voice: PUC Commissioner Noble Will Need Time Management Skills for the Upcoming NV Energy General Rate Cases! Davey Boy, you BETTER be able to justify it, if you throw the NEM into the GRC, like a chicken shit person would, rather than having balls to address it as a separate docket as it should be! December 2, 2015: Our little Hitler wanna be aka Puppet Paulie showed his ignorance when he couldn’t understand the most ELEMENTARY comment by Noble during this agenda meeting. When Noble basically said ‘I am repeating my prior comments’, Pathetic Paulie said he ‘didn’t understand what Noble said’, that statement elicited a loud, laugh from someone at the dais, which was memorialized in this dockets audio recording. Paulie baby, you are so far in over your head, you have to look up to see down! RESIGN and go back to pandering for subsidy money for your pet industry- geo thermal! November 2015: Since when does LoDoDo get to pick and chose what exhibits can be entered into a docket? He isn’t a fucking commissioner, but he is surely acting like one! How many of the over priced admin attorneys actually read his BIASED, SKEWED, INDUSTRY CENTRIC recommendations? Let alone the commissioners? As no one with the PUBLIC INTEREST in mind, would ALLOW his BULLSHIT, PREJUDICED ramblings to go thru! Why doesn’t he just wear a fucking patch that reads SPONSORED BY SW GAS! This ‘I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING NEGATIVE’ ‘person’, won’t allow PROOF of FALSIFIED figures etc., to be entered and considered. LoDoDo we got your ‘number’ and you are so slanted, that you can be used to measure angles! Extract your head from your ass and ALLOW ALL EVIDENCE to be entered in DOCKETS! November 18, 2015: Howdy Doody Davey apparently either has a prostate problem or just needs to get up and walk his stick up the ass body while presiding over a hearing. It’s AMAZING that this guy had to HAVE 3 ten minute breaks, hour lunch and STILL couldn’t sit for another 30 minutes to finish up an already started testimony. Yet this is the same character who in August made everyone stay late so he DIDN’T have to come in over the weekend! Maybe he should consider getting a Travel John, so he can SIT AND DO HIS JOB, rather than stop an active cross examination! Since you are WORKING on OUR dime, maybe you should get a 24Fr and you can handle sitting for a normal period of time to finish something that had started? Or did he have to rush home and play with his power meter that he has so proudly disclosed to people? You might want to take a lesson from Alaina, on how to sit for HOURS doing their job, listening to activity going on at the PUC! How much are the ratepayers shelling out for Davey Boy’s Admin Attorney Jessica Diss? As today her CONTRIBUTION to this hearing was to LOG in, on or about 53 exhibits! WOW! Nothing coming from her legal mind on this hearing, but her presence was VERY important to write EXHIBIT 1, EXHIBIT 2, etc., that the lowest level employee of the PUC could have done. November 13, 2015: Its apparent that when Lying Lina is pushed to the wall with irrefutable proof of the PUC lying, she tries the tired and old deflection tactic. We are paying this ‘legal genius’ her salary to use the most elementary action, that bullies use at the school yard as her best shot? Can't bullshit your way out of video tape or a webpage confirming such!
November 5, 2015: There is always the 'fluff' to come across as 'concerned' and then there is the 'reality' that the PUC wants to hide. Nevada’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC)—Steadily Becoming a Stealth, Dictatorial Agency then we have the PUC version! Tanner's emails acknowledging that comments will not be appended to relevant agenda meetings. November 4, 2015: And so it starts..., you brought this ALL on yourself!
Did you think that you were going to escape your Dictatorial actions?
November 2, 2015: REMEMBER THIS:
Ack! Can this be true then? October 31, 2015: Will Davey boy run and hide from someone dressed up like this as a Halloween costume?
October 27, 2015: my, My, MY! Here I was under the impression that Davey was squeaky clean and without controversy. A friend found these: 1. Checks and Balances Project Launches Investigation of Nevada PUC Commissioner David Noble: From the article- "On Wednesday, August 19, we attended a PUC meeting in Carson City that Commissioner Noble presided over. Although the meeting was largely procedural, we were surprised at how Noble lashed out at a lawyer from the pro-solar group TASC for being workmanlike during official meetings but antagonistic in public. He struck us as being remarkably thin skinned for a public official whose salary is paid by taxpayers."
Now, Noble is trying to impede the First Amendment as to HOW a person interacts OUTSIDE of the PUC. Davey boy, want to try and tell me how to act outside of the PUC with my comments etc., I DARE YOU! You apparently, in my opinion, have a hidden but slowly revealing hostile and angry persona...better have that looked into, as you also exhibited on October 26th towards me personally! Identical hostile attitude over a non-disruptive camera on 10/26, that was CAPTURED on video cameras (multiple, not the one you were coming after). 2. Nevada Open Records Act Request: Commissioner David Noble October 26, 2015: Tanner seems to think that she can control people by threatening people with Metro. She had a spineless Noble try to claim that a less than 1 pound video camera was 'disruptive'. With 3 people video taping, no one can seem to find this lil camera being a 'bad lil camera'. Apparently, both Tanner and Noble thought the threat of a 'trespassing' charge to control the 'unruly' camera would work. One can only wonder how disappointed she was when the charge was chosen over her wishes. She needs to get it thru her over inflated ego, that people don't back down when they make that statement.
When Noble came into to 'read' the trespassing 'cough cough' charge, he walked into 3 cameras now taping him and he had to keep his mouth shut about it. The look of both panic and anger was priceless. As it was something he had no control over and he has to basically 'stand and take it'. Noble straight out LIED to the cops and he was affirmed to be a liar, thru a phone call that the police were listening to. Good idea putz, lie to the cops, this will be brought up in court, start sweating. The fun is about to start and you are going to be outted for the liar you are. I'll let you stew for awhile then on Tuesday, I will post the link to the newest press release. In the mean time you can go searching for it yourself... October 26, 2015: Since Lina Tanner and Dave Noble think they are OMNIPOTENT, their actions should be made available to the general public.
When you try to HARASS, DISCRIMINATE and IMPEDE ADA protected individuals, the 'gloves are off', and regarding your 'decision', you can both just:
Dave, you try to remain 'hidden' on the internet by not posting what you do etc., that's perfectly fine, nothing requires you to post everything you do. BUT when you are ACTING as a PUBLIC figure, when you accepted the position of Commissioner, everything is fair game, capise? Your actions are not going to remain hidden and you will be 'outted' for how you act in your position, same with you Lina. Apparently, all of your parents were failures, they didn't you to RESPECT your ELDERS!
Happy Monday! Enjoy this press release, now you both are the finally the 'center' of something. Do I have to keep reminding you: NY Italians NEVER back down or acquiesce!
October 22, 2015: Lying Lina Tanner, General Counsel of the PUC, now is planning to override state statute feigning: Commissioner Dave (stick up the ass) Noble, now doesn't want to be videotaped when he is presiding over dockets. This pompous ass thinks he is above the OML and he can exclude public recordation of his asinine actions on dockets. October 12, 2015: First agenda meeting that Puppet Paulie presided over. Seems he finds public comments worthy of his 'smirk. BUTTTTTTTT, when the word RECUSE was mentioned that got his attention. Seems that all of a sudden turning in written comments that were spoken into the record now are questionable as to if they will be put into the agenda record. So without waiting for them, here are my comments. October 1, 2015: Lil Bri-Bri Sandoval appoints Paul "da Puppet" Thomsen to PUC Chair. Ousting the chair, Alaina Burtenshaw who had the most experience of how the PUC works, to Commissioner. Lets look at the reality of this 'appointment', Burtenshaw has been with the PUC since 1992, giving her 23 years of experience. Whereas, Puppet Paulie was just entering puberty, as he is currently 36. Puppet Paulie's experience is in geothermal, an industry that has only survived because of subsidies. This is the asshole that Bri Bri thinks is qualified to oversee the PUC? My service animal has more hours logged in at the PUC than Paulie.
Maybe Bri Bri should have the ratepayers chip in for skin bleaching to remove that brown stain on apex of the nasal dorsum of Paulie's nose? So he can 'appear' to be 'open/fair' and not be a fucking shill for Bri Bri. Bri Bri who has these grandiose delusions of higher governmental appointments, has to 'appear' neutral. So to 'promote' this fairness he has the ass-kisser/puppet erroneously placed as chair. Sorry, but this farce is so obvious, even Ray Charles can see it! Don't like my OPINIONS? Well, then resign, as you are now a public figure and I fully believe in my First Amendment Rights, capisce? The other Commissioners had opinions cited, you are far from being the exception. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, otherwise, you are just full of shit. FYI, Paulie Baby, the ratepayers are not thrilled with ass kissers and those who have exogenous hands up their asses controlling them! October 12, 2015: Well, Puppet Paulie presided today and he wasn't impressive at all. The puppet seemed to think getting his bought and paid for ass was worthy of a chuckle. Guess he didn't know how else to respond. Maybe for Christmas, oops, I mean Happy Holidays since he is such devoted dem and doesn't want to offend others, should get a pair of flame proof BVD's. Of course, Davey Noble feigned he was reading along with Lo-HoHo following suit. Who gives a shit what they feign to be doing, as long as its on the record that's increasing meeting by meeting. The Peter Principle is alive and well with the PUC Chair. The only thing Paulie baby missed today was the eye patch to emulate Reid. LINA:
June 10, 2015: Forget Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren for BEST ACTRESS. How I held back my laughter and tried to sound sincere for my comments at the admin meeting is worthy of a walk on the Red Carpet. Counting the days till we get another Executive Director. Hopefully the new one will be more productive and be able to STOP the hair flipping while playing 'coy'. May 8, 2015: Are the PUC & CRC on DRUGS? Their amendment to SB46 is a joke! The power point that the PUC submitted is pure FANTASY! All their bullshit rhetoric: "PUCN will adopt a compensation plan in an open and public meeting". Their ESTABLISHED and STANDARD protocol for these 'open and public meetings' entails the following: "The PUC is FORCED to provide the public the opportunity to speak on an 'item' on the agenda and then afterwards 'granted' the opportunity to speak on anything they have 'jurisdiction over'. BIG DEAL! They let you 'talk' then they overtly IGNORE any valid recommendations, refuse to answer questions about their items etc. Why bother with so called open meetings when it's just a 'pie in the sky statement', and they just 'rubberstamp' items. ESPECIALLY when their Executive Director Crystal Jackson presents her 'recommendations', they vote in FULL SUPPORT of WHATEVER she presents to them. We do NOT reward/reinforce NEGATIVE behavior! Maybe if you STOPPED thinking that you KNOW IT ALL, accept the fact, that ratepayers have REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE and present a MORE GLOBAL approach to your myopic attitudes, then maybe we would be supportive of you. REMEMBER YOU CAN'T GO FROM THE SPECIFIC TO THE GENERAL! Resolutions without SB46: 'Statutory deadline driven agency' = request in a bill for more time, duh! 'Utility customers already pay for utilities personnel, it only makes sense that these customers also pay for objective, well educated, trained and knowledgeable staff who can investigate, evaluate and judge utility performance' = If the PUC didn't allow the outrageous utility salaries this wouldn't be necessary. As the PUC approves what utilities are allowed to 'recover', duh! 'Benefits people outside of the PUCN-Quality, competent, experiences employees directly benefit customers/ratepayers and regulated utilities'. = Benefit to the utilities vs the ratepayers. Especially the PUC's regulatory operations and staff counsel filed comments, that the commissioners tend to 'rubberstamp'. When their 'experienced' employees do their GLOBAL DUE DILIGENCE, then maybe the ratepayers will perceive them as 'credible'. Difficulty recruiting, hiring and retaining employees: Lost 23 of 64 (36%) Regulatory and Safety Personnel in last 5 years to better paying positions; Lost 12 of 32 (38%) support staff in last 5 years to better paying positions.'= Ever dawn on you, they are hired away to GET INSIDER information on how the PUC operates and they are willing to pay for it? 'Conducted salary survey in November, 2013. Solicited data from: Other Nevada State Agencies; Regulated Utilities, Western State Utility Commissions, Governmental Entities.' Using regulated utilities as a salary resource? As if private vs state salaries are the same? Using governmental entities apples and oranges. Other NV agencies, still different. WESTERN STATE UTILITY COMMISSION? Oh, PLEASE! You are trying to compare states where some of their cities have more ratepayers than the entire state of Nevada! Along with the fact that most of them have MORE Commissioners than the PUC! 3 Commissioners- CO, HI, ID, OR, UT, WA and WY. 5 Commissioners- AK, AZ, CA, MT, NM, Guam has 7 Commissioners. If you were trying to show how UNDERPAID your upper management is compared to other Commissioners, Houston, we have a problem. The PUC is the HIGHEST for Chair, Commissioners and Commission Secretary compared to all the Western States Commissions. So that formally proposed 19-21% salary increase for the Commissioners would be COMPLETELY out of the range of their peers. As we complained, completely UNJUSTIFIED! Even more EGREGIOUS is their proposed amendment! 'If a proposed budget change which is subject to review...is necessary due to an emergency ....the Commission shall submit the budget change for review by the Governor through the Chief of the Budget Department of the Department of Administration instead of submitting a request to the Interim Finance Committee...'. Lets review this, daddy, err, the Governor anoints, err, appoints the PUC Commissioners and Executive Director. Then when they want more money they send in their 'anointed' Executive Director to ask daddy for more money. Oh, like that's not skewed, right? Like he is going to go AGAINST those who he appointed?! The PUC wants people to believe they are 'fair and balanced' in their decisions. Just attend a few meetings and watch how many 'dockets' have 'actual' discussions, how many are 'grouped' together and get 'rubber stamped'. With all their ramblings about 'open meeting discussions', just WHEN were they going to inform the public that their Commissioner was resigning in September? If Wagner had not made a comment about reducing her workload, no one OUTSIDE of the PUC and Governor would have known about it. You read CONSTANTLY about public figures tendering their resignation, why did the PUC elect to HIDE IT? Ah, another truthful, open meeting discussion. ESPECIALLY when ratepayers file complaints with their dispute resolution department. Have YET to see one, where the ratepayer actually prevailed! ESPECIALLY when a ratepayer files a complaint and they ARE A NAMED PARTY in a docket, they are STILL TREATED as a 'commenter' with a three minute time limit to present their case. BUT any other NAMED PARTY has no time limit...yeah, FAIR & BALANCED, HA! Fox News is more 'fair and balanced'! Crystal, Lina and Ann Marie can go and bullshit committee members, but, they CAN'T erase videos of their true actions! In the public interest: Tickets for Burning Man. “Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he/she [or associates with] who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man/woman.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer, The Basis of Morality ARE YOU MISSING THE POSTS? DID YOU THINK WE FORGOT ABOUT YOU? Don't worry, you are far from forgotten. March 12, 2015: PUC held their 'open and public administrative agenda meeting. Ironic they held this 'open/public' meeting to nominate and rubber stamp the promotion of an Assistant Commission Secretary, because of the retirement of the current Commission Secretary. Inquiring minds want to know, when did this 'retiring' employee get promoted to Deputy Executive Director, without having it noticed and discussed... There is a national organization for Public Utility Commissioners. The amount of meetings that they have is beyond comprehension. More time out of the office, while pissing and moaning how overworked they are. Simple, stop traveling...The 'entourage' from Nevada. At least, so far the usual 'troupe' isn't going to this one, guess they feel she is old enough to travel on her own. FIRST THERE WAS 'THE THREE TENORS'... NOW WE HAVE 'THE THREE WHINING PUC COMMISSIONERS' singing 'We need more monnnnnnn-eyyyyyy'
(Watch the number of hits jump...) February 16, 2015: Crystal Jackson, Donna Skau and Anna Marie Cuneo appear before the NV Legislature Finance Committee. How Crystal could keep a straight face while lying thru her teeth is a truly mastered skill...this must have been taught in her Certified Public Manager's course. The coy, semi-flirtatious expressions, fake smiles were truly 'eye rolling' and completely inappropriate. Fortunately, these were captured on video. If you are going to use a job position, as an example, to back up your *cough cough* slimmed down, necessary budget, try telling the TRUTH! How can this one job, legal case manager ALWAYS had required a JD, with a preference for NV Bar membership, when your PUC bio claims you used to be one? Where is your JD? I don't believe that Univ. of Phx., BA in Business Admin = JD, do you? Here's a sincere suggestion for PUC personnel. When addressing a high level government committee, professional business attire is de rigueur, cleavage or a blouse that is buttoned so tight it is ready to bust are never appropriate. Just how convincing is it to send an email to committee members trying to DISCREDIT those opposing your budget of fantasy/fiction, when the PUC is guilty of the same things you're feigning about them? ALWAYS make sure that your nose is clean before casting stones!
The ongoing ARROGANCE of the PUC towards the ratepayers is video documented, smile...time to walk the Red Carpet. April 30, 2014: PUC Administrative Agenda, their Executive Director, Crystal Jackson proposed an approximate 20% pay raise for the Commissioners. Along with various other positions receiving small to double digit raises also. The "LOGIC" is that they are losing qualified people to other state agencies because of lower salaries. That those with 'lower' salaries are highly trained and knowledgeable therefore, they are needed for the efficient running of the PUC. That by these people leaving it would also impact the ratepayers as they are losing said experience. Time for a reality check: these qualified/knowledgeable people are nothing short of shills that at 99% of the time side with the utilities, so how is this going to be a bad thing for ratepayers? Anyone can be trained to be myopic and generate reports to confirm the desired outcome. When you apply for a job, you KNOW the SALARY and description, you either accept it or not. Being a state employee you get perks and benefits that those in the private sector would kill for. Stop whining, no one is irreplaceable...NO ONE! December 17, 2014: Either Tanner is a liar, suffering from memory loss or any other psychological malady that impacts memory. She can't remember what she wrote to the Attorney General's Office about having MY COMMENTS read by someone else. Even on November 20th, their administrative hearing, whereby the SAME diatribe that less than an hour earlier that was read in their utility agenda meeting, they IGNORED it and then reversed it today. Since they DO NOT do an audio archive of the administrative agendas, I video tape them, as a TRUE & ACCURATE record of what transpired. I can be both seen and heard CLEARLY stating that I am representing Fred Voltz. Today Tanner butted in at the 12:48 mark telling Mr. Frederick he can't read the statement, as it was previously 'discussed regarding comments. WELL, LINA BABY, either you are a bullshit artist trying to suppress public comment or you LIED to the AG's Office...MAKE UP YOUR MIND! If you were PAYING attention to the 2nd round of comments, you would have both seen and heard those up in Carson City, PROCLAIM: WE DON'T TRUST the PUC! You are one of the reasons! You better read every filed comment by the public, in BOTH dockets, consumer sessions, hearings, workshops, because we are going to otherwise, rip you a new rectum, with your lack of what we DID ELABORATE on regarding smart meters. You are in OUR ARENA and you are trying to climb a hot, greased pole! Let the games begin!!! November 23, 2014: Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. You thought that you were being 'in control' by restricting our access to speak, by curbing how we could have access by only being 'present' in the agenda meetings and ignoring our questions by refusing to answer during meetings. Well, the 'reaction' has now been 'enacted'. You want your budget increased to accommodate your approximate 20% pay raises, your bill draft request to take you OUT of the limitations of the state's range. Are you out of your fucking minds? Trying to set a precedent that every state department/agency is going to try and pull the same crap! Oh, yeah, this will fly like a Pb balloon! Now, we shall 'swing the pendant to these requests. You CAN'T LOBBY but we CAN! You have LOST your 'pull' by having the 'power' shift from your 'cozy buddies' up in Carson, to a new regime that most DID NOT APPRECIATE the smart meter deployment, the barrage of subsidies for a MINIMAL percentage of the ratepayers to cite a few and the OUTRAGEOUS rate increase for those in Sierra Pacific. If you think we are going to REWARD your actions with a raise you need to STOP DRINKING the Kool-Aid! A LOT of the more prominent ratepayers who have appeared in front of you are VERY politically active and connected, especially up in NORTHERN NV. For well over TWO years we have been TREATED as gnats to be endured for THREE minutes. Well, welcome to the turn about is fair play. We plan on DEFLATING your puffed out, cock of the walk attitudes towards us. It would be HIGHLY ADVISABLE to start thinking about your past actions and also what is in front of you now and DO WHAT IS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST FOR THE RATEPAYERS! If you THINK your choices are being made under the guise of keeping the Governor happy, so he will reappoint you, remember, that can be AMELIORATED by a VETO proof approval during this session. Everything is now on the table! Welcome to OUR SANDBOX!
October 16, 2014: PUC had a special agenda meeting and approved the request to open an investigation into the SPARK meters. The so called GENERAL COUNSEL'S Office filed a memo regarding the Order to open the investigation. It would be nice if they extracted their heads from their asses and provided FACTS not their skewed OPINION, NOT based on FACTS!
They tried to say that the ratepayers only complained about heath and privacy and didn't bring up fire issues. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT that the SPARK meters were NOT UL CERTIFIED!
If you READ the written comments you would have been INFORMED that Sensus SPARK meters had a FIRE ISSUE! September 14, 2014: Sensus meters are being called into question over fires in northern Nevada! It's so problematic that the Fire Chiefs of Reno & Sparks are asking for the PUC to investigate! During the smart meter hearing overseen by the PUC's Hearing Master Nancy Wenzel aka Delphi Technique Master, she was informed ad nauseum about the fire potential from these meters. Which she intentionally ignored in her findings report ot the PUC full commission. Nevada is the FIFTH electric company questioning fires associated with Sensus Meters. PECO, Pacific Electric, Lakeland and Saskpower. The NV PUC should DEMAND that NVE get the SAME 'adjustments' that Sensus gave to Saskpower! " SaskPower says it has reached an agreement with U.S.-based manufacturer Sensus to recover the $47 million cost of removing smart meters that were installed across the province. The Crown utility says it will receive a $24 million cash refund from Sensus for all the smart meters purchased by SaskPower, including the ones that had already been installed. SaskPower will receive an additional $18 million credit from Sensus for future metering products. In addition, the manufacturer will invest $5 million towards the research and development of a next-generation meter that meets SaskPower’s specific needs. In a news release Tuesday, SaskPower said the new meter will meet industry standards and pass verification by an independent third party to ensure the units function safely."August 21, 2014: Stipulation between NVE, PUC, BCP and other interested parties on current 2014 rate case. Good news for the ratepayers, NVE agreed to eat some costs! Next step get it approved by the full Commission. If approved will go into effect on January 1, 2015. So of COURSE, there has to be some GREEDY MALCONTENTS who screw up the Stip! YES, YOU WAL-MART & KROGER! Wal Mart you under pay your employees and now you want the ratepayers to pick up some of your energy use! Extract your heads from your ass and suck it up! How much more money do you black hole executives/stockholders need? Kroger's you need to also suck it up and accept that power is an expense in doing business! If the PUC is funded by taxes imposed upon the ratepayers, how would your 'financial' supporters feel about this: I have EVERY SECOND that you have spent on this website, this is what we pay your over inflated salaries for? YES, YOU, reading this! Along with the one from RENO on your APPLE phone, is that a phone that we are paying for also? In just a few days this is how many times they have been playing on your dime. The yellow highlighted ones are during work hours. QUESTION to ponder: If your revenue is associated with the taxes collected by utilities and you oversee the imposition of taxes...where is the 'neutrality? Seems that there is a 'vested' interest in making sure they fill their regulatory coffers.
July 22, 2014: PUC had a consumer session in Las Vegas regarding the rape, err, rate increase. Part 1 and Part 2 of the session. July 9, 2014: Video of the Agenda meeting chastising the PUC for their stupid attempt to feign educational session AFTER the fact! Piss poor attempt at PR and expressing concern to educate the public on how they approach rate cases. Written comments read into the record.
Second complaint filed with Attorney General's Office against the PUC. Complaint, PUC Response and Reply, Addendum to Reply to Response by the PUC. Commissioner Noble LIED about claiming to SPEAK with consumers! HE IS KNOWN FOR RUNNING OUT OF THE ROOM AFTER EVERY AGENDA MEETING ALONG WITH REBECCA WAGNER!
June 19, 2014: What was 'promoted' and how it manifested itself in current reality. What is wrong with these responses? "Describe your experience with Nevada's Open Meeting Law and Public Records Law?" Response: "I have completed the Attorney General's training on Open Meeting Law." (Page 8/55) If you completed this course, why did you have to call the Attorney General's Office to learn how to accommodate under the Open Meeting Law? "Describe your litigation experience?" Response:..."I am able to speak clearly and convincingly to people of all walks of life; I am able to think on my feet in times of high stress; and I have learned the art of persuasion despite the often unfortunate facts of a case." (Page 8/55) LOL Talk to people? Guess that it doesn't laterally translate over to your ability to respond in emails, this is your idea of thinking in high stress times? Guess you have to be 'standing' not sitting to exhibit this trait? Not being able to focus on the issue? Making everything about YOU? Such an exemplary example of this 'character trait', NOT! HYPERBOLE! "Describe how hiring you for this position would add value to the Commission." (Page 9/55) Response: "I am ethical, energetic and hard working attorney...I encourage a collegial atmosphere for the good of the employees and the organization as a whole." Hardworking, oh, most definitely, I am caught playing on facebook, I have to keep checking a website to see if there is anything new on a daily basis, sometimes, more than once per day. Then I get informed that each computer can be tracked by a ip number, ut-oh, can my statement now be proven wrong, that I don't visit the site? So energetic, that concentration on the issue at hand is not realized, by my inability to be rational and unemotional when dealing with an issue that is not grounded in reality. My emails promote erroneous assumptions based on my own thoughts/actions and ascribe those actions/thoughts upon others, without any real life validity. When I can't get my own way, I threaten people, in order to try and force them to do what I want done. I shoot my mouth off, put my personal business out 'there' and then blame others for my actions. Taking responsibility for my actions is not part of my 'A GAME'. Generating email responses like an out of control "hormone laden premenstrual female", maybe that is how I will be working "for the good...and the organization as a whole?" I IMPLORE YOU before you send out any more emails, to try and understand the recurring theme of these words of wisdom: "If A = success, then the formula is A = X + Y & Z, with X being work, Y play and Z keeping your mouth shut." Albert Einstein "Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." Proverbs 17:28 American King James Bible
"When you know you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut." - Will Rogers CAPISH??? June 19, 2014: What is wrong with this? From the PUC website: "...The division represents the Commission's interests before various state and federal regulatory agencies including the FERC...according to their job posting "(PUCN attorneys have not appeared in Washington, D.C. in any recent proceeding in which it has intervened.) They deal with FERC/FCC yet, no appearance, by any of their attorneys recently, what is their definition of 'recently'? Lets see their ‘musical
chairs’...Apparently, their Assistant General Counsel left,
according to their department listing, she has been replaced by the
former administrative attorney to the PUC's Chairwoman. They are
trying to replace the former job of the new administrative attorney
to the Chairwoman. They now have to try and find an outside law firm
around the DC area to ‘represent’ them. In the budget report
presented on April 30, 2014, they were LEGISLATIVELY APPROVED for
$345,100 for ‘Expert Consultants’, as of April 11, 2014, they
expended $95,618 and PROJECTED in THREE months they are going to
spend the full $345,100. As their fiscal year ends June 30, 2014. In their INFORMAL SOLICITATION they are offering $49,999, inclusive of expenses and attorney fees, starting on July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015. Question is, how are they going to
spend $249,482 by June 30th? Are they going to PAD their
expenses in 2015 with this $49,999, to get more money? Someone must
have worked for the Mafia with this type of ‘creative
accounting’. With all their ‘experienced attorneys’ why can’t they do the work? They are preparing the papers for DC, they have prior experience with all the NVE FERC filings, just more state government waste of money and lack of hiring people who can do the ‘job’! June 18, 2014: It's pretty pathetic when Carolyn "Ad Hominem" Tanner, by her own admission has been practicing over 20 years, can't defend an allegation and has to insert herself to be the 'center' of the issue. One would expect it from a lay person, but, a 'seasoned' professional? Predicated on her misguided, unsubstantiated, egocentric perception of an issue that was never a factor in the original issue. According to astronomy, the earth revolves around a class G2V star, not her.
June 9, 2014: Nothing like being STALKED almost EVERYDAY by State of Nevada employees. May 22, 2014: VIDEO of the agenda meeting. Apparently, while doing their jobs, the PUC General Counsel and Assemblyman Bobzien, found facebook more attention worthy, than the meeting they were in attendance at. May 19th, was not the first time she was on facebook during work hours. TOO BAD TANNER CAN'T REDACT THE TRUTH OF HER FB POSTINGS...which is considered IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST!
May 19, 2014: PUC hearing on Docket 14-02004 on renewables and ratepayers being forced into SUBSIDIZING low income homes with solar panels, part 1 of 2. May 15, 2014: Quick informational videos on the NV PUC. Brief overview, Self-approved raises, Potential Insider Stock Information, Smart Meters, Public Subsidized Programs (benefiting the few paid for by the many). May 14, 2014: Nevada Public Utilities Commission Retaliates Over Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance.
May 12, 2014: Is Nevada Governor Sandoval’s Quasi-Judicial Agency: Cherry Picking ADA Accommodations? May 11, 2014: May is National Toxic Encephalopathy and Chemical Injury Awareness Month. "The American Lung Association reports that over 14 million Americans are sensitive to fragrances and 5,000 Americans die each year from the severe allergic reactions they have from being exposed to fragrances." May 6, 2014: Response to PUC's 'accommodation' compliance.
May 6, 2014: Albert Einstein "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Time to add Carolyn Tanner. You would think that a woman who utilizes personal care items, would at least know that they do not include homeopathic remedies. When you attempt in an email to try and seem like you are 'knowledgeable and resourceful', make sure the 'accused' can't prove you to be wrong, especially when you 'cc' some one in upper management. At what point will she stop shooting herself in the foot when there is nothing left of the foot? Apparently, the PUC made a huge mistake in hiring her as their general counsel...At the rate she is digging the hole, she is going to hit the Great Wall of China in the immediate future. April 30, 2014: Administrative hearing trying to justify such outrageous raises, the Commissioners around 19%! Since when are Commissioners able to walk out of a meeting prior to the Chairwoman calling for the meeting's adjournment? This is proof that the PUC has NO DESIRE/RESPECT for the over all purpose of the Open Meeting Law, to receive public input/comments. April 25, 2014: The PUC in an effort to do 'damage control', have now moved their notification regarding accommodations, from the last page to the first page of their utility & administrative agenda notices. This is still not addressing the original violation of the open meeting law, upon which the complaint was based. This is nothing more than putting a 'spot' band-aid on an arterial bleed! At least people will read it?
Ever wonder if state employees actually work or surf the net on your dime? Here's proof, more proof, they do 'cruise' the net. How do you like your 'activity' being monitored? I suspect that these state computers are from the PUC predicated on what site they keep going to. April 14, 2014: Reply to Tanner's response filed.
Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in "Mommie Dearest". March 31, 2014: Tanner files response to complaint. Can you sign your name any bigger? A little over half of the line! Do we have an 'ego' problem counselor? Tanner maybe in her next career can be a fiction writer, based on her skewing of the facts, smoke & mirrors and attempts to make the PUC appear to be the 'injured/accommodating' party? "Lawyers never lie-We just tell the truth judiciously to guarantee utter confusion." -Civil Action (movie) March 20, 2014: UPDATE: Formal complaint filed with the NV Attorney General's Office citing NV PUC & Carolyn Tanner for the following violations: NV Open Meeting Law, Title II of the ADA and Section 504. (A.G. File No. 14-008). Lina, did you really think it was an 'idle' threat? March 13, 2014: The height of arrogance and stupidity is re-rearing it's ugly head at the NV PUC. Their newly appointed General Counsel, Carolyn Tanner has decided that she is now QUALIFIED to make medical determinations on what is/isn't a chronic/non-chronic medical condition subject to the protections under the ADA. One can understand if someone is uneducated but, after being educated exhibits the same asinine, stupid and ego-centric stance isn't going to be tolerated by any means. Apparently, she is a proponent of Exponent's mantra regarding 'cherry-picking' to fit their 'issues', which is FAR FROM laudable. One would think a board admitted attorney would make sure she is not being accused of ADA violations to cover their tuchus. Nor ignoring the warning, not to piss off an established activist who has taken on bigger fish with the relentlessness of a pitbull. She is a newly enlisted solider in a war, in which her adversary is a 4 star general. Welcome to your waking hours nightmare, counselor! (I should have considered going into proctology when I was in med school.)-"I'm not a humanitarian, I'm a hell-raiser." - Mother Jones
COMING SOON: Warren Buffet's Buyout of NV Energy (Truth vs newspaper reports)
And we are suppose to trust industry and regulatory agencies who wouldn't know their external anal sphincter from their olecranon process ! February 6, 2014 Another FARCE/SCAM from NVE, regarding LED bulbs. This DISCOUNT program is FUNDED by the ratepayers, so, you THINK you are getting a 'bargain' when in reality, you have paid for this discount. Then your conservation will cause your bills to GO UP, as NVE will NOT be making ENOUGH PROFIT. So, you buy discounted bulbs, that you paid for essentially, you conserve and you pay for their failure to make a profit. They claim you will save SEVEN DOLLARS a year per bulb, but, your bill will be HIGHER from decreased profits, SO WHERE ARE THE SAVINGS???
Unofficial PUC slogans and or work mottos. Along with how they perceive the public regarding their 'rulings'.
January 14, 2013: Final Order released. BREAKING NEWS! WE WON! NV Energy agrees to the analog as an alternative to their smart meter.
January 9, 2013: Ratepayer directly asks if Commissioner Noble is on the take/payroll from NV Energy.
January 9, 2013: Full video of public comments from General Agenda Meeting on Stipulation, Petitions for Reconsideration and or Rehearing, including Commissioners discussion and vote. At 1:09:06 is the usual vitriol spewed forth from Commissioner Noble trying to screw the ratepayers over the analogs. The only thing 'registering incorrectly' is the acetylcholine in his neural synapses. The only binding on the Commission should be Noble's mouth with duct tape!
January 10, 2013: Press Release: NV PUC Rules on Smart Meter Opt Out: Deception or Finally Compassion on Their Part? January 8, 2013. PUC entered their Draft Order for the meeting on January 9, 2013.
Is this the
goal of the PUC and NV Energy for all animals? "The cat lives
in a neighborhood surrounded by 8 towers and 85 antennas in a four-
mile radius.1 Inside the home are cordless phones, cell
phones and Wi-Fi each emitting different frequencies.2"
Why should these sweet, lil guys become victims of SMART METERS or DIRTY ELECTRICITY from digital meters!
To the State of Nevada people logging on, remember you are leaving an electronic footprint. Don't think your 'spying' is not being recorded, like you are spying on us via smart meters. Smart meter hacking tool released March 27, 2012: NVE sent Schad Koon as an ATTEMPT to con the Silver Hair Legislature regarding Smart Meters!
This is what NVE/PUC SHOULD be DOING! "The utility dropped a proposed $79.38 opt-out fee. For those who want the smart meter mounted outside their home (within 300 feet), there is a one-time $50.69 fee. For those who prefer to keep their analog meter, there is a monthly $7.78 fee to have a utility employee visit their home four times a year to read the meter." But NO, they will MAKE sure that they PAD the bill and get monthly rather than quarterly readings which would NOT impede NVE's over inflated profit from the smart meters! 15. Dangers of Everyday Technology Not a health risk, huh? A possible association between fetal/neonatal exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation and the increased incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Nothing like approving UNSAFE devices on homes! New Critical Problem with ‘Smart’ Meters: The Switching-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Your environmental exposures might haunt your great-grandchildren Yep, real secure. The Maker of Smart-Grid Control Software Hacked A CONSTANT NON STOP LOW FREQUENCY HUM HEARD IN MY HOME December 22, 2012: DEMAND that the PUC RULE THAT THERE ARE NEVER ANY TIME OF USE protocols EVER BE APPROVED for NV! The scum at NVE are doing trials now, in anticipation of going for approval of TOU down the road. What BETTER way for NVE to start CULLING the NV population than forcing NO/DECREASED USE OF ENERGY DURING 1 to 7 pm during the summer months! "Study: Home air conditioning cut premature deaths on hot days 80 percent since 1960" By INCREASING the KW charges during TOU would FORCE people to ENDURE HIGHER temps that could lead to PREMATURE DEATHS! "The installation of air conditioning in American homes is the reason why the chances of dying on an extremely hot day fell 80 percent over the past half-century, according to an analysis by a team of American researchers" December 6, 2011, NVE brought in EXPONENT to convince the NV PUC that smart meters pose no health risks etc. As USUAL the PUC listened to THEM! Did the PUC even do any DUE DILIGENCE on Exponent? NO! If they DID they would have KNOWN that this same 'products defense firm' CLAIMED THAT ASBESTOS IS NOT HARMFUL'! One "firm won settlements of more than $1 billion in asbestos suits in 1992 alone...but not mesothelioma, a type of cancer closely associated with asbestos exposure.", over Exponent's so called SAFE PRODUCT! Keep it up PUC, we are amassing enough to go after you. Keep siding with the Utility over the public's OUTRAGE over these HARMFUL DEVICES! See and hear the 'testimony' of Exponent at the December 6, 2011 PUC hearing. Exponent's written response submitted December 2, 2011. RESONANCE - BEINGS OF FREQUENCYNovember 1, 2012: The PUC apparently has never met a utility increase that they didn't like/approve! Just who are the NV PUC Commissioners and Hearing Officer/s? Who is their ultimate legal advisor on their rulings/orders? Because Nevadans were forced to accept the Commissioners and Hearing Officer/s to regulate utilities, the public has a right to know about these 'representatives'. Their nominations from the Governor, give us only a 'brief reference' as to why they were chosen. Were they fully vetted? We don't believe so, therefore, we have elected to provide what we feel is a failure of the prior and current Governors to vett those who are suppose to regulate the utilities. Since the current Chairperson wanted 'transparency' as much as possible, we are engaging in her 'mission'. If the residents had the opportunity that other states have in electing Commissioners, their opponents would be bringing this information forward to the public. Occupy LV Calls it like it is with NVE & PUC regarding 11% increase. These Commissioners have DETERMINED that the FOURTH AMENDMENT of the US Constitution and the NV Constitution are not being violated regarding the smart meters. NOT EVEN THE CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE who researches and provides resources to the House of Representatives both members and committees CAN NOT ASSURE they aren't VIOLATING our INALIENABLE RIGHT! Their report dated February 3, 2012 confirms this. THIS IS WHAT THE PUC GENERAL COUNSEL JAN JUANITA JUDKINS GOSLEE COHEN WANTS SUPPRESSED, SO THAT HER LITTLE MARIONETTES CAN CLAIM PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY REGARDING VIOLATING THE 4TH AMENDMENT. SINCE THEY HAVE NOT DETERMINED THE SMART METERS DON'T VIOLATE THE 4TH AMENDMENT...THEN EITHER SHOULD YOU! They freely applied and received federal funding under the ARRA where they must have missed the page on ADA discrimination.
A woman's health SURVIVED Nazis, Communists, Soldiers, Cossacks and only the smart meters are NOW DESTROYING her health! What should have been her GOLDEN YEARS is her BLOODY YEARS! Watch and listen how these meters cause her to hemorrhage without any medical reason! Here is her statement, this is not a joke! The only joke is the NV PUC! IS THIS THE FUTURE FOR SENIORS IN NV? THE NV PUC WANTS TO EXPOSE SENIORS WHO COULD WIND UP LIKE THIS WOMAN! NV Energy sent armed guards to customer's home who tried to protect her health, by replacing the smart meter that made her violently ill. Her story has even made it to Alex Jones Info Wars website. All information on this site has been obtained via the internet from free, public access websites. No information was obtained thru pay for access services.
Electro physiologist [video] explains how electromagnetic radiation
disrupts learning. How it disrupts action potentials. This is what Burtenshaw, Wagner and Noble want to approve and inflict upon the
public! Nevada children will now become stupid over
their actions!!!!
11/27/12: NV PUC increases number of
[video] at meeting.
The only reason for them to increase the number of armed guards from
2 to 3, is that they ALREADY decided on the draft order and expected
a backlash! Is NV
Energy double dipping with the FULL approval from the NV PUC? A
spreadsheet done by a ratepayer seems to show it. The
numbers seem HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE. IF anyone has an issue with any information that has been published here, that has been accessed from public websites, that themselves or others associated with them posted freely, it is their problem and they need to curtail their or their associates postings. IF you put anything on the internet that is open access, you have given permission for the public to view it. IF you don't want information disseminated, then stay off the internet and don't post personal information that you do not want made public. |